  • 學位論文


The Research on the Open Spaces surrounding the Ximen Circus from the Pedestrians' Views

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


現今的西門圓環是台北重要的休閒娛樂商業區以及捷運交通轉乘的樞紐,這繁榮的西門町商圈不管是平時或是假日,皆匯集許多人潮在此。雖然現在西門地區普遍有考量行人徒步區與人行道之設置,但仍缺乏整體性之規劃以致於廣場與行人徒步區零散配置,多自成孤立之開放空間,更許多原本屬於步行者使用的空間被私人或停車空間所佔據,暴露出都市環境中對於人性空間尺度的漠視。另一方面,捷運系統的發展為西門地區帶來了大量的人潮,直接衝擊的是過去以車為本的街道設計概念,反之以人為本的都市開放空間設計成為現在的趨勢。 本研究整理開放空間與步行相關理論與文獻資料,觀察調查西門圓環周邊之開放空間,檢討實證地區步行環境之缺失,透過步行者步行環境認知問卷調查來研擬出西門圓環周邊整體步行空間系統規劃策略與原則。 本研究主要成果為西門地區開放空間步行系統設置準則之研擬與課題探討,並依據「安全性」、「舒適性」、「方便性」、「可及性」、「連續性」、「吸引力」六大準則特性作為準則分類標準,研究成果可作為公部門未來推動西門地區周邊環境空間規劃研擬出適當設計準則,並連結整合周邊開放空間,提升西門地區之步行者之用路權,同時吸引民眾多使用大眾運輸交通工具,讓西門圓環在新的時代中,延續傳統,賦予新的都市空間活力,進而美化都市景觀,追求更高品質的生活環境。


開放空間 步行者 步行空間


Ximen Circle is an important entertainment and commercial district of modern Taipei as well as a key transfer point for bus and MRT service. The Ximen commercial district has many visitors on a daily basis, regardless of it being a holiday or work day. In general, the planning of Ximen area has put into consideration the establishment of pedestrian only districts and sidewalks, but this plan lacks cohesion, causing the independent development of the Ximen Circle and its surrounding pedestrian districts. Furthermore, many public areas originally allocated for pedestrian use have been taken over for private use or for car parking, ignoring the humanistic needs of people in urban areas. The development of the MRT has also brought large amounts of pedestrians to Ximen, impacting the originally car/motorcycle based infrastructure, pushing the current trend towards the humanistic open-space planning. This study organizes the theories and related literature of open spaces and pedestrians by observing and investigating the Ximen Circle and its surroundings, and discussing the flaws of the pedestrian environment. Surveying pedestrians on the pedestrian environment, the study investigates the tactics and principles of the overall planning and development of the area in and around the Ximen Circle.The result of this study is to establish the criterion for the development of open spaces and pedestrian infrastructure in Ximen. This criterion will be divided into six categories: Safety, Comfort, Convenience, Accessibility, Continuity, and Attractiveness. The results of this research may provide the government with the design criteria for future land use plans for the greater Ximen area, linking together adjacent open spaces, and promoting pedestrian rights in Ximen, and encouraging people to use public transit, thus allowing the Ximen Circle to be an extension of its past traditions, whilst embracing the vitality of the modern metropolis, beautifying the urban landscape, and pursuing a higher quality of life.


Open space Pedestrian Walking space


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寗全貞(2014)。以時空路徑探討高齡者步行空間與 社會支持-台北市信義區為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2014.00696
