  • 學位論文


The improvement of indoor air quality in the institutions of traditional Chinese medicine

指導教授 : 曾昭衡


本研究目的在於了解中醫療院所進行艾灸治療過程產生之室內空氣污染物濃度變化(CO、CO2、PM10、PM2.5、甲醛、TVOC),並針對新、陳艾成份以及燃燒所產生的TVOC進行定性及定量分析,以了解對人體健康上之影響;並以陳艾取代新艾及空氣污染物控制裝置進行室內空氣品質改善成效評估。 研究結果顯示,艾灸燃燒容易造成中醫醫療院所室內空氣品質不佳,新艾燃燒產生氣狀污染物(CO、HCHO、TVOC)較嚴重,容易引起眼睛、鼻刺激,主要原因是新艾中含有較多的揮發油在燃燒過程被釋放出來所造成;陳艾則以粒狀污染物為主,其中懸浮微粒濃度約為新艾的1倍,主要原因為新艾中的除煙劑含有助燃效果,可提高燃燒效率,減少燃燒不完全的情況發生,相對的懸浮微粒濃度較低。而在燃燒廢氣TVOC分析結果顯示新、陳艾燃燒皆會產生苯、甲苯、乙苯、苯乙烯及其他苯環類與長碳鏈化合物。 在使用局部排氣設備進行改善後,燃燒新艾產生之氣狀污染物減量效果為41 ~ 91%,而粒狀污染物之減量達96 ~ 100%;在使用空氣清淨機進行改善後,粒狀污染物的減量效果達60 ~ 71%,但由於污染物生成速度較去除快,故在使用空氣清淨機後懸浮微粒濃度仍超出建議值;而氣狀污染物去除效果較差,僅達4 ~ 35%。 而醫護人員於新艾燃燒的環境下工作30年(每日暴露6小時,周休2日)之終身致癌風險值為5.8 ×10-4,在陳艾燃燒的環境下則為1.6 ×10-4,皆超出一般人可接受之終身致癌風險值。非致癌風險的推估上,於新艾燃燒的環境下工作之非致癌風險值為12.22,而在陳艾燃燒的環境下工作則為18.42,由污染物所占百分比來看,新、陳艾燃燒主要污染物貢獻來源為懸浮微粒(PM10、PM2.5)。


The study bases on Environment Protection Administration Executive Yuan declare that the first standard setting that is medicine hospital. Sometime, patients will be treated by Moxibustion in the Chinese medicine hospital. However, the behavior that is to burn Moxa will release oil in air, and make smoke and fire smell, regarding the physique sensitive sickness, has created the invisible burden. The goal of research that realizes process that is Moxibustion makes indoor air pollutant density change including CO, CO2, PM10, PM2.5, Formaldehyde and VOCs so the author aims at VOCs which produces to carry on qualitative and the quantitative analysis. Moreover, the author also would like to realize that the Moxibustion will how danger in people’s healthy and the air pollutant control device was replaced of moxa (puts for three years) for improving air quality indoor air pollution. The result of monitor shows that Moxibustion easily makes bad Indoor Air Quality in the Chinese Medicine Hospital. Moreover, the combustions of new moxa produce more serious gas air pollutant which stimulates the eyes and the nose. However, the pollutions of old moxa are primarily particle pollutant and the density approximately for suggestion value 6 ~ 10 times. According to analysis result of VOCs that new or old moxa will burn will all produce the benzene, the toluene, the ethyl benzene, the styrene and other benzene rings class and the long carbon chain compound. Moreover, medicines care personnel who stay in new moxa’s burn under the environment works for 30 years long life, they get the carcinogenic the risk value is 5.8 ×10-4. In old moxa’s burn under the environment is 1.6 ×10-4. However, all surpasses the average person to be possible to accept lifelong is carcinogenic the risk value. After use the Local Exhaust Ventilation carries on the improvement, the new moxa produces gas air pollutant decrement result is 41~91%, and decrement of the particle pollutant reaches 96~ 100%. In addition, after the air pure machine carries on the improvement, the decrement of particle pollutant reaches 60 ~ 71%. However, the pollutant production speed removes quickly; the density of particle still surpassed the suggestion value after the use air pure machine, and the air gas pollutant effect is bad, only reaches 4 ~ 35%.


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