  • 學位論文


Global Logistic Management Model for Apparel Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


台灣紡織成衣業歷經配額解除、中國加入WTO、以及新興市場與起等幾次重要環境變化,都能透過全球佈局以及企業自我提昇而持續佔有一席之地。此次金融風暴對台灣紡織業又是另一次考驗。市場考驗者客戶,客戶也將壓力轉嫁給台灣紡織成衣業者,舉凡單價下降、品質要求提昇、物超所值的趨勢更加明顯。而市場變化快速使得客戶需求也跟著一日數變,為滿足市場及客戶,並為客戶創造更高的附加價值,同時平衡企業內營運,就需要檢視企業內部營運流程的基礎架構是否符合現今所需。 台灣紡織產業過去的研究,多朝向生產、製造、協助設計、價值鏈分析以及策略等方向,缺乏以有系統的角度及工具來檢視、評析企業全球運籌模式。為此,本研究係以SCOR為基礎,建構企業之全球運籌模式,並以產業之個案公司為例進行驗證,結合理論與實務,提出較接近實務之全球運籌模式。


After encountering several critical and crucial affairs including Quota elimination, China’s accession to WTO, emerging markets rising, as well as the financial crisis in 2008, Taiwan textile and apparel industries stand still due to superior global deployment and self-upgrading. The fast changes of the consumer market pushes customers to put more and more pressure on suppliers, such as lower average selling price, higher product and service quality, frequently changing product specification or order conditions, and so on. To review and adjust the infrastructure of the enterprise internal operation process becomes essential not only for meeting customer’s requirements, but also for providing extra value-added services, not to mention to achieve the internal balance. The past studies for Taiwan textile and apparel industries are related to production, manufacturing, collaborative design, value chain analysis or strategy setting. The study of enterprise global logistics is lacked of systematic analysis, nor sufficient tool. Therefore, my study is to construct an enterprise global logistics model based on SCOR, and testify by a real case in the industry. The study purpose is to propose a practical global logistics model which combined theory and real operation.


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