  • 學位論文


The Advertising Effects of Online Consumer Experience Combination—Need for Cognitive and Sensation Seeking as Moderators

指導教授 : 耿慶瑞


許多針對網路廣告的研究中,證實人格特質的不同會造成消費者在資訊搜尋與說服路徑的選擇上有所差異。本研究以2D、3D互動影像網頁廣告下的網路消費者經驗(間接經驗、虛擬經驗、代言人經驗)為主要架構,在實驗一中探討網路廣告內容複雜程度(視覺/文字)的最適組合,採用2x2組間實驗設計;隨後於實驗二依據資源配適理論,加入人格特質:刺激尋求(Sensation Seeking)、認知需求(Need for Congnition)為組內干擾變數,透過兩者的程度高低將消費者加以區隔,探討可產生較佳廣告效果的最適組合,進一步探討網路廣告呈現方式、廣告內容及消費者人格特質三者之間的交互關係。 研究結果發現:(a)廣告內容為中度複雜時,廣告效果較佳;(b)高度刺激尋求者、低度認知需求者,觀看視覺複雜度較高的3D廣告後,廣告效果較佳;(c)低度刺激尋求者、高度認知需求者,則在觀看文字複雜度較高的2D廣告後,產生較佳的廣告效果。上述發現在實務的應用上可以針對不同的市場區隔,提供對其最佳廣告呈現與內容組合,以達到企業利潤之最大化。


The Internet theoretically enables marketers to personalize a Web site to an individual consumer. Because multiple designs of a Web site are relatively easy to achieve, such agents could segment users and expost them to a site version that is best suited to their personality type. The purpose of this study is to address this personalization issue by Web surfers in processing Web-site stimuli, and examines optimal web-site design from the perspective of personality trait theory and resource-matching theory. There were two experiments in this research. The main study employed a combination of online consumer experience (indirect experience, virtual experience and virtual avatar experience). Experiment 1 is a 2(visual complexity: high, low) × 2(verbal complexity: high, low) factorial design. Experiment 2 is the application of resource matching theory to personality traits (sensation seeking and need for cognition). Results reveal that (a) subjects prefer Web sites of a medium level of complexity, rather than high or low complexity; (b) high sensation seekers and low need-for-cognition viewer prefer complex visual designs with 3D Ads; and (c) low sensation seekers and high need-for-cognition viewer prefer complex verbal designs with 2D Ads.


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李宜臻(2012)。虛擬經驗與衝動性購買行為之關係 -以線上社交購物導向和知覺行為控制為干擾變數〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2012.00036
