  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwanese Bamboo on the Portable Teawares Design

指導教授 : 楊明津


竹,反映臺灣早期住民生活文化,在臺灣扮演著重要的角色,科技的發展,生活型態的改變讓傳統的竹製品被大量塑膠製品取代。如同2006年「Old is New 時尚故宮」的主題,以年輕時尚及活化文化概念衍生商品,藉由新形象概念,重新詮釋竹製品的文化與美感。竹,除象徵東方文化,再生能力快速,廢棄物能完全回收於大自然亦是「綠色新能源」。本研究目的期望能重現竹產品的美感與價值,讓傳統素材符合現代生活,使竹產業能永續傳承。本研究以個人可攜帶性茶具為研究主題,依據現代飲茶文化型態,茶具使用以及消費者消費型態來傳達竹製商品之文化與價值。本研究方法為(1)透過文獻歸納與分析瞭解臺灣竹產業發展與飲茶型態的演進,(2)依據分析結果以竹材為設計元素,研究對象以上班族及學生族群為主,並訂定個人攜帶式泡茶器設計規範,(3)透過 20 位設計相關背景者來評選設計概念,最終選出 2 案具市場發展價值之設計進行打樣製作,(4)藉由 4 位專家訪談與 100 份有效問卷調查結果檢驗設計案成果,並評估市場效益。研究結果顯示,竹材結合複合材質運用於個人攜帶式茶器設計,獲得使用者的認同感並具有市場發展價值。根據專家訪談結果,在設計上除了強化不同主題元素的融合,在未來可以嘗試與不同產業進行跨界形式的合作,讓竹製商品在話題性與共鳴度得以更加提昇。


竹材 可攜式 茶器


Bamboo “plays an important role in Taiwan. It influence the daily-life of the aboringinals culture is widely applied into daily-life products. The development of technologies and change of living style, make the traditional bamboo products been replaced by the petrochemical products. Reflect to the exhibition in the National Palace Museum. The theme of “The Old is New”, the impression of Bamboo had escaped thoughts of stereotype; the products were made under the concept of youth, fashion and culture regeneration. By the new impression and concepts, the re-interpreted culture, beauty in bamboo products and increased value on the raw material market of bamboo. The symbolism of bamboo, it is representing the Oriental culture; it’s also popular used new green energy. The reason for the popularity, it’s relives quickly and its waste can be decomposed completely in the natural environment. The purpose of this study was to look forward to the beauty and value of bamboo products. The practical all of the new innovated concepts will last in generation. The culture and value of the bamboo products can be delivered by tea culture, the culture and value of the bamboo products can be delivered by tea culture, usage of tea wears and consummation patterns of the modern days: (1) Through summarize literature and analyze the evolution of the type of development of bamboo industry in Taiwan with tea. (2) Based on the results of the analyzed documents, using bamboo as an element in design and make the current pattern on tea wears. The study the groups of office workers and students. (3) Selection of design concepts through 20 people who have design background, and ultimately selected the 2 cases with development of the market value of the design proofing production. (4) Once confirm the design of the products, 100 valid of marketing survey and review of the experts with four experts to test the outcome of the design case to assess the market benefits. The results show that the combination of bamboo composite materials used in the design of personal portable tea get the user's sense of identity and have a development of the market value. According to interview with experts, in addition to strengthen the integration of different themes in the design in the future, it can try cross-border forms of cooperation with different industries to let bamboo goods can be more popular and better.


Bamboo Portability Teawares


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