  • 學位論文


A Study on the Issues of Current Situations and the Strategies of Improvement of Illegal Constructions in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 楊詩弘


新北市政府自民國94年至100年間違章建築案件(含實質違建及程序違建)多達7萬多件,而屬「程序違建」類型之案件則超過1萬件,其中依建築相關法令取得建造執照辦理結案數僅佔總件數1%,因此檢視目前程序違章建築案件作業流程發現,認定組完成案件認定作業後案件移交拆除組辦理拆除業務,但屬於程序違建案件則先行列管6個月後再執行,期間並無管理機制使得違建所有權人繼續施工增加日後拆除困難度,且案件是否於30日內辦理相關補照作業也無監督制度,再者對於屬程序違章建築認定基準始終無一個標準作業規範可依循,全憑『人為』想法而定,造成地方有力人士及違建人利用這樣行政漏洞逃避、規避違章建築拆除執行 有鑑於此,本研究針對未結案「程序違建」案件利用案例分析方式檢視各類案件最常發生的錯誤判例所衍生程序違建無認定基準或是過於寬鬆等問題,以及目前行政機關對於程序違章建築案件的行政作業流程缺失導入監督機制,甚至對於『新北市建築物申請補辦建築執照作業要點』中加入程序違建掛號審查的預審制度及必要的預審書圖文件項目修訂,而提出第一階段程序違章建築案件認定標準增訂及第二階段補照作業要點增訂預審機制及第三階段行政作業程序修訂等三階段改善建議方案,藉由各階段改善措施建立而不在使這類型案件只是『審查中』、『修正中』或淪為有心人士規避、拖延違章建築拆除的避風港。


From 2005 to 2011, in New Taipei City, illegal constructions cases (including violations of building regulations and building procedures) were accumulating to more than 70,000 ones, of which more than 10,000 cases are violations of building procedures. However, only 1% of those cases were closed by following the procedures and obtaining license of construction. By examining the process of categorizing violations of building procedures, we could find that the authorities first put the cases on the waiting list for 6 months and then start to implement later. During that time, the authorities are doing nothing but just waiting for people liable to complement submitting documents. In fact, there are no standard operating procedures about this kind of violations; all depend on just officers’ thoughts. So, it causes that some people who build without permissions could take advantage of this grey area to avoid demolition of illegal constructions. Therefore, by surveying the public policy and procedures, this study proposes three stages to improve it. The first stage is the amendment of categorizing standards of the violations of building procedures, the second stage is the emendation of direction of applying permission, and the third stage is the correction of the procedures of administrative examination. The goal of three stages could not only help enhance the demolition settlement rate but also shrink the manipulation space.


violations of building procedures


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