  • 學位論文


The Multimodal Interative Serious Game Development and Evaluation: Case Study on Digital Learning for Chemical Elements in Daily Life

指導教授 : 王聖銘


本研究以生活中的化學元素為案例,研究多模式互動嚴肅遊戲的發展與評估。在網路科技發達與各種行動裝置普及的數位化時代,學校教育邁向數位學習領域的發展,然而數位學習在設計上除了提供E化的教學環境,並將知識內容與互動媒體加以整合外,搭配適切的教學方法來達到良好的互動學習,將是重要的考量因素。本研究以生活中的化學元素為主題,利用擴增實境技術虛實情境結合的特性,加上螢幕觸控操作與音頻偵測的多模式互動方式,並結合2D/3D圖像、動畫、聲音及故事性的遊戲引導,將化學元素較為抽象、困難的知識轉化為具象、有趣的互動學習內容,達到寓教於樂的學習效果。在評估上,本研究以ARCS動機模型為基礎,發展「多模式互動嚴肅遊戲」,並透過「引導探索教學」與「合作競賽教學」兩種不同的教學策略,評估學童在「學習成效」、「學習動機」與「互動媒體使用經驗」方面之影響。以新北市與台東縣兩所國小高年級班級共55人為研究對象,進行教學與實驗,而後以「學習成效測驗單」及「學習動機量表問卷」對兩組學童進行施測,測驗所得資料以獨立樣本t檢定與學童表現進行分析。 本研究的結果顯示: 1.透過圖像設計與虛實整合所發展的嚴肅遊戲,能提升國小學童對學習化學元素的動機,且透過故事腳本的設計及創造與生活場景之關聯性,能增進國小學童學習化學元素的成效。 2.多模式互動介面的發展,能引起學童學習的好奇心與興趣,而創造嚴肅遊戲的發展,能透過遊戲達到知識學習的效果。 3.接受「引導探索教學」的學童其學習動機及學習成效,均優於「合作競賽教學」的學童,此結果顯示本研究所發展的多模式互動嚴肅遊戲,符合未來教育強調「探索式學習」的需求。 4.透過在新北市與台東縣兩地不同地區學童的教學實驗的結果顯示,「有互動媒體使用經驗」的學童其學習動機與學習成效均優於「無互動媒體使用經驗」的學童。亦即,未來應增強偏鄉地區學童互動媒體體驗的機會,以提升偏鄉學童在網路世代的數位競爭力。 後續本研究將擴大實驗對象,針對所發展的多模式互動嚴肅遊戲、學習動機、及學習機制做多面向的評量。並加強未來發展多模式互動探索式學習的機制。


This research is focused on multimodal interactive serious game development and evaluation by using chemical elements learning as a case study. The ARCS model of motivation is introduced in the process of developing the serious game using augment reality techniques. It is also been used to design the testing sheet and learning motivation questionnaire for evaluating the learning results of the pupils who used the serious game in their science education class. There are two difference teaching strategies, guidance exploration and cooperation competition, are proposed in this research and apply to two groups of pupils with different backgrounds and areas. The factors based on "Learning Effectiveness", "Learning Motivation", and "Interactive Media Using Experiences" are then been used evaluation and correlation alaysis. This research implemented the experiments on 25 pupils that come from an elementary in the New Taipei City and 30 pupils that come from an elementary school in Taitung County. The result of testing sheet and learning motivation questionnaires are collected and been analyzed by independent two-sample t-test and the performance analysis. The results of this research are concluded as follows: 1.The integration of graphic design and augment reality virtual 3D model for serious game development can improve the learning motivation of elementary school children. Meanwhile, the correlational design between real life experience with the scenario story design of the serious game can improve the results of the elementary school children for learning chemical elements. 2.The development of multimodal interaction interfaces developed in this research can successfully cause the curiosity and interests of elementary school children for playing with the serious game. Thus, this research reaches the goal that elementary school children learning knowledge of chemical elements by playing with the serious game developed in this research. 3.The performance of the pupils who followed the "guidance exploration" teaching strategies are better than the pupils who followed the "cooperation competition" teaching strategies. It is because that every pupil have more time and chance to play and explore with the serious game by himself/herself in the former one. It also shows that the interaction mechanism proposed in this research fulfill the requirement of "Learning by Exploration" of the future education trend. 4.The results of experiments applied to the elementary schools both in the new Taipei City and Taitung County show that the pupils with interactive media using experiences are better in learning motivation and performance than the pupils without interactive media using experiences. The research finds that the pupils from the elementary school of Taitung County are mostly lack of the experiences of using interactive media. Thus, it is necessary to re-enhance the digital opportunity of the elementary school children in remote areas so that to improve their digital competiveness in the Internet Era. Some more experiments are needed in the future studies for better evaluation on the correlation between multimodal interactive serious game development, learning motivation and learning mechanism. The mechanism of "learning by exploration" will also be reinforced in the future studies.


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