  • 學位論文


A Framework of Furniture Design Knowledge on E-Learning Platform

指導教授 : 陳殿禮


國立臺北科技大學擁有豐富的家具設計周邊資源,加上目前設計科系相關數位學習平台與其建構方式之迫切需求,為促使本研究之動機,擬規劃之數位學習平台,除了具備基本的架構功能外,並能符合專業的家具設計知識需求。研究目的可分為下列三點,第一是建構家具設計知識數位學習平台架構,第二是建構家具設計知識內容之課程項目,第三是建立家具設計知識數位學習實驗性之平台。 本研究議題主要可分為「家具設計知識內容課程項目」與「數位學習平台架構」兩點,前者是家具設計知識內容課程項目之建構,而後者是將數位學習平台架構調整成能夠符合家具設計課程之教學或學習方式,因此整體合併來看則成為「家具設計知識數位學習平台架構」。研究方法中首先採用內容分析法,針對家具設計、數位學習和數位學習平台網站相關指標等文獻進行彙整與分析,在文獻資料不足或是需要建立專家效度之處,將另請家具設計與數位學習領域專家群執行半結構式訪談。其中「家具設計知識內容課程項目」,先以內容分析法彙整文獻,加上透過訪談2位家具設計專家,補充相關文獻所不足之處並建立專家效度,因而擬定出「家具設計知識項目」,之後邀請家具設計領域11位專家共同組成德懷術審查專家群實施德懷術,完成連續三次之德懷術問卷調查。 研究結果得知,「家具設計知識數位學習平台架構」可區分為兩大類,分別為「平台系統管理」和「家具設計課程管理」,其中「平台系統管理」內又可區分為3個次類別:「平台內容訊息」、「平台基本功能」和「平台週邊輔助裝置」;而「家具設計課程管理」內亦可區分為9個次類別:「家具設計知識建構」、「科目說明」、「維持學習動機」、「學習者與教材互動」、「師生互動」、「同學互動」、「學習評量」、「教學管理服務」和「平台功能檢核」。而其中在平台架構下之子類別「家具設計知識建構」則共可區分為三大類、32個課程項目,第一類為「設計基礎課程」,設定為設計科系通識必修課程,共計有12個課程項目;第二類為「家具設計專業課程」,設定為家具設計專業必修課程,共計有8個課程項目;第三類為「家具設計相關課程」,設定為家具設計選修課程,共計有12個課程項目。最後是根據上述研究結果,選擇以Moodle平台為工具,建立出一個示範性質之家具設計數位學習平台,並依架構規範修正平台內容。 隨著數位化網路時代的到來,人類生活已經有大幅度的改變,設計教育模式亦受到很大的衝擊,但國內設計教育單位卻尚未因應時勢所趨提出應對之道,若能夠藉由數位科技之優勢來建立家具設計數位學習平台,讓國內外更多有心從事家具設計教育或學習家具設計者,能進行學術上專業知識分享與經驗交流,相信假以時日在臺灣將有機會成為家具設計數位學習的領航者。期望本研究能供相關研究領域者一套基本參考依據,可依照各自需求與目的來修改內容項目,除了可以達到知識分享的意義外,另一方面則是為了達到吸引更多設計研究者使用此方式之願景,使得家具設計數位學習的資源能夠累積至愈來愈多,逐漸成為設計教育的寶庫。


This research is motivated by the abundant peripheral resources of furniture design that National Taipei University of Technology boasts and the desperate demand by its design-related departments for an e-learning platform as well as construction of such a platform. The research aims to formulate plans for building up an e-learning platform, which also accommodate to the demand for professional furniture design knowledge aside from its fundamental functionality. The purposes of the research are to construct: (1) the framework of E-learning Platform of Furniture Design Knowledge, (2) categories of the curriculum on furniture design knowledge, and (3) the experimental E-learning Platform of Furniture Design Knowledge. The research topics are mainly “categories of the curriculum on furniture design knowledge” and “the structure of the e-learning platform.” While the former topic deals with the construction of the categories of the curriculum on furniture design knowledge, the latter adjusts the structure of the e-learning platform to meet the demand for teaching and learning furniture design. As a result, the research topics are combined into “the structure of E-learning Platform of Furniture Design Knowledge.” This research first applies content analysis as its research method by summarizing and analyzing literature on furniture design, e-learning and indicators of e-learning platform websites. When the literature does not fully support the research or when a higher content validity is required, the author would collect data through semi-structured interviews with experts in the field of furniture design and e-learning. In light of “categories of the curriculum on furniture design knowledge,” the author first summarized literature through content analysis before interviewing two experts in furniture design to supplement literature and to establish the content validity, and thus formulating categories of furniture design knowledge. Afterwards, the author invited eleven experts to join a Delphi panel for three consecutive rounds of Delphi technique surveys. The research result indicates that the framework of E-learning Platform of Furniture Design Knowledge can be divided into two categories: “platform system management” and “furniture design curriculum management.” Among which, the “platform system management” is classified into the following three subcategories: “content message of the platform”, “basic functions of the platform”, and “peripheral auxiliary devices of the platform,” while the “furniture design curriculum management” has nine subcategories: “construction of furniture design knowledge”, “explanation of subjects”, “maintaining learning motivation”, “interactions between learners and materials”, “interactions between teachers and students”, “interactions between students”, “learning evaluation”, “teaching management service”, and “platform function check.” The subcategory “construction of furniture design knowledge” under the platform framework can be further classified into three fields and thirty-two courses. The first field is “basic design courses,” which consists of twelve required general courses in total for students of design-related departments; the second field is “advanced furniture design courses,” which consists of eight required advanced courses on furniture design in total; the third field is “courses related to furniture design,” which consists of 12 elective courses on furniture design in total. Finally, according to the aforementioned research result, the author chooses the Moodle platform as a tool to create an example of e-learning platform of furniture design and then make modifications to the platform in accordance with the normative structure. With the advent of the digital age, life of mankind has greatly changed. The education pattern of design has also seen a great impact, but the competent authority in our country has not yet come up with a coping strategy against this trend. If we could take advantage of the digital technology to implement an e-learning platform of furniture design, through which people at home and abroad who are committed to teaching or learning furniture design could exchange academic knowledge and experiences, Taiwan would then have the opportunity to become a leader in future e-learning education of furniture design. It is hoped that this research could serve as a reference for researchers in the related fields, upon which researchers may also make modifications based on their needs and purposes. Besides sharing knowledge, it is also hoped that the e-learning platform may attract more researchers of design so that the platform could accumulate more digital resources for furniture design education and could thus gradually become a treasure trove for design education.


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