  • 學位論文


Interactive product design of aroma care for children

指導教授 : 李來春


溫馨平靜的生活對於忙碌的父母來說尤其嚮往,現代人的樂活觀念,亦可牽引到兒童身上,因此為人父母常常思考如何能為孩子的健康提供一種更自然、更有效的方法。其中芳香療法與芳香照護雖然在台灣不被視為正統醫療行為,但隨著國人對其接受度日益提升,不少民眾自行運用精油或前往特殊的芳香護理專門店,來舒緩情緒上與身體上之不適。透過相關研究與專家訪談發現,其中有一些精油又非常適合兒童,特別對舒緩他們的情緒、幫助睡眠、集中注意力、與安撫因小傷口帶來的疼痛感。 本創作經由文獻、相關案例的探討,以及專家訪談的分析,歸納專門針對6歲以上至12歲兒童的芳香照護原則,且依據其理論基礎進行互動產品設計的創作規劃,實際開發出《日夜之光─Light of Night & Day》、《香氛寵物─Aroma Pets》與《妹妹機器人─Mei-Mei》三款兒童芳香照護互動產品。相較於市面上成人使用的常見芳香器具,為了避免兒童在使用芳香照護產品時碰觸火源、蠟燭、或滾燙器皿,以無線射頻辨識技術(RFID)、光敏電阻等感應裝置代替操作,兒童可當作玩具一般,透過簡單有趣的操作方式自行使用,結合互動裝置、玩具與芳香療法的概念,創作三種兒童照護層次的芳香互動裝置,以有趣,安全和自然的方式為忙碌家庭的兒童帶來安逸的童趣生活。最後更將產品實際融入於兒童生活中,觀察並分析兒童的互動行為,以檢視本創作之成果,並提出具體結論與建議,結果顯示其中《香氛寵物》為喜好度與發展性最高之創作。


互動設計 產品設計 嗅覺 多感官 兒童 玩具 芳香療法


Warm and quiet life is what we yearn for, especially the busy parents, not only for themselves but for their children as well. Parents often think about how they can provide a natural and effective way for their children to stay healthy and the modern concept of LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) is becoming increasingly popular. Aromatherapy and aromatic care are not regarded as orthodox medical treatment in Taiwan, but increasingly, the interest and acceptance from the general public is growing. Many people use essential oils to relieve emotional and physical discomfort either by themselves or by visiting special aroma therapy departments. Research is showing that for children, some essential oils shows significant positive effects on soothing their emotions, helping them sleep, concentrate, as well as to ease pain from small wounds. In this research paper, the focus is the appliance of aromatherapy principles for children in the age span of 6 to 12 years old. The research is conducted by analyzing and discussing relevant literature, performing case studies, and by interviewing specialists. This research data was later used together with the theoretical basis for interactive product design planning to develop three interactive aromatic care products for children: "Light of Night & Day ", " Aroma Pets”, and "Mei-Mei". Unlike common aromatic appliances for adults, the sensors in these products were designed by using technologies such as RFID and LDR in order to avoid the risk of children getting burned by candles or boiling utensils accidently. These designs resulted in risk-free, fun and easy to use toys that children can operate by themselves; this enables children to play in a natural and safe way even in busy families where adult supervision is not always possible. As time passed by and the toys were integrated into the children’s normal lives, the chance to observe and analyze how they interact and operate with the toys, provided the opportunity to gather more research data and to finally propose specific conclusions and suggestions in this field of research.


interaction design product design scent children toy aromatherapy


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