  • 學位論文


Selection of Inverter for Water Chiller of Central Air-Condition System – An Example of An IC Design Company

指導教授 : 金大仁


由於環保議題逐漸被重視,企業也期望降低耗能和節省電費,而中央空調系統為公司大樓廠辦主要的耗能設備,因此對於中央空調系統的節能十分重要。IC設計公司對於現場作業環境條件要求嚴格,製程良率的提高、生產設備的穩定性、人員工作的舒適度都有賴於良好的中央空調系統管控環境溫度來維持。本研究以IC設計公司中央空調系統冰水機的變頻器之選擇與評估決策程序為主題,探討如何以一套系統化的機制選擇適當的變頻器,以達到節能減碳和空調溫度的穩定性。 本研究以國內某家IC設計公司為例,應用分析層級程序法(Analytical hierarchy process, AHP)進行中央空調系統冰水機的變頻器選擇決策問題,以建構一套選擇與評估的機制。首先本研究收集許多變頻器運用於中央空調系統的文獻資料,以及各種廠牌規格的變頻器資料,協助企業擬定使用變頻器於中央空調系統冰水機的目標與需求。依據這些目標與需求引導評估小組建立選擇變頻器的AHP評估階層式架構,並且擬定適當的評估準則與評估方法。評估小組利用兩兩比較方法進行成對比較,建構同一層級與跨層級的成對比較矩陣,然後彙總計算出各評估準則的相對權重和各候選選項的排序,最後評選出最適當的變頻器。 本研究亦對於經過AHP的評估所選擇的變頻器安裝運作後的績效進行討論。個案公司的中央空調系統冰水機安裝所選擇的變頻器之後六個月,科技大樓整體節省電力30,198度,節省率13.25%,共節省電費達新台幣$924,059元。與安裝變頻器的前一年同期用電量比較,下降了共計544,600度,節省的超約罰金合計新台幣271,766元,達到了極佳的節能與節省成本績效。本研究也詳細記錄與討論個案公司在整個評估過程的優缺點,並且提出一些建議事項,可以作為相類似的公司評估類似設備的參考。 本研究主要之成果包括: 1.以個案公司的需求,利用系統化的目標討論方法建構一個基本性目標層級架構和工具性目標網路架構,並探討整個目標架構過程與應用。 2.利用AHP模式評估個案公司對中央空調冰水機的變頻器評選過程,選擇出一個適當的冰水機變頻器。 3.本評估方法亦可以複製應用於個案公司或其他公司其他重要的機器設備評選程序,建構一套很好的評選模式。


Because environmental protection is a popular and critical issue, many companies have spent time and money to implement energy saving equipments for reducing their electricity bill and business cost. The central air-condition system is the most energy-consuming equipment among all equipments in an IC design company. Additionally, a central air-condition system offers a comfortable environment to all employees and a stable temperature at the manufacturing line to produce high quality products. Then, to reduce electricity consumption of the central air-condition system is an important issue. This study adopted an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to select proper inverter for water chiller of a central air-condition system in an IC design company. A systematic inverter selection process was developed and introduced. In this process, this study reviewed some literature about inverter and AHP and collected data about how the case company made their decisions on purchasing equipments. Then, the strategy objective of this inverter implementation project for this IC design company was also established. According to a systematic discussion process, the project team developed a fundamental-objective hierarchy and a means-objective network. Based on these objective structures, they determined the hierarchy of the evaluating attributes about the inverter selection problem. The members of the project team determined all ratings according to the proposals offered by the inverter vendors, analyzed the data, and discussed the results. By summarizing the ratings of each level in the AHP hierarchy, we can obtain the relative weights among the attributes and alternatives. At last, the inverter of Vendor A was selected. This study also reported the results after implementing the selected inverter. The company reduced 30,198 kWh and saved 13.25% and NT 924,059 dollars electricity bill during the 6 months after adopting the inverter. Additionally, comparing with the electricity bills of the same periods last year, they decreased totally 544,600 kWh and saved NT 271,766 dollars fine for over the kWh limit allocated to the company. The experience of using the AHP in this study was also reviewed to provide some suggestions. The contributions of this study are listed as follows. 1.This study utilized a systematic objective discussion process to build up a fundamental-objective hierarchy and a means-objective network. Additionally, some applications of the objective structures in the AHP method were also demonstrated. 2.This study employed the AHP method to evaluate inverters for water chiller of a central air-condition system in an IC design company. The project team selected an adequate inverter efficiently and systematically by following our process. 3.The proposed inverter selection process can offer a good experience for other companies which want to choose inverter or other important equipments.


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