  • 學位論文

探索伊瑞葛來之陰性語言: 以女性主義 角度重讀史蒂芬‧金的<<魔女嘉莉>>

A Search of Irigaray’s Feminine Language: a feminist rereading of Stephen King’s Carrie

指導教授 : 李家沂


大部分讀者在閱讀史帝芬‧金的<<魔女嘉莉>>通常會先受其血腥暴力的情節影響,而忽略了在論述結構的夾縫之中,嘉莉對於女性身體的意識。屈就於整體的恐怖效果,這些關於嘉莉的斷簡殘篇如同她本人在書中的定位,遭到邊緣化。只有靠著心靈傳動的力量才能解放那些飽受壓抑的慾望,並轉化為不同於男性中心的句法的表述。 此論文命題的發想就是從伊瑞葛來的觀點重新檢視<<魔女嘉莉>>中的敘述結構和角色建構,由伊瑞葛來對於男性至上的知識系統—尤其是精神分析的批判,作為出發點,再轉而尋找金在寫作技巧鋪陳上與伊瑞葛來理想的相似之處;例如金如何將經血塑造為女性力量及自我意識的來源,進而成為一種能替女性身體發聲的另類的言語。 有鑑於大部分的評論者將嘉莉歸類為克莉斯蒂娃的理論中,遭社會規範所賤斥的客體,我的寫作目標是希望能讓嘉莉從這些共識中解放,同中求異,凸顯嘉莉對於女性性別及自我身體的認識過程。


This thesis is conducted out of an emotional and academic response to the very sentimental details in Stephen King’s Carrie. Overwhelmed by the horror of the blood imagery, those scenes that depict Carrie’s mental and physical development have been overlooked by most literary critics. Therefore, with the Irigaray’s theory on feminine language, I hope this thesis could provide a different speaking of Carrie other than Kristeva’s theory of abjection. I start the analysis from a review of the phallocentric context in Carrie and monitor the focus to its narrative structure. The tangled speech and conflicting words tells King’s insecurity with the dominant discourse, which precondition the occurrence of telekinesis as an expression that escapes surveillance and resist censorship. In addition, those arguments are accompanied by Irigaray’s inquisition of feminine language from a reengagement with the masculine imaginary to a trans-valuation of women in its representation. Still, the ultimate concern is on the menstrual blood that perhaps its outbreak signals not an omen of doom, but a painful birth of women’s sexual identity.


Stephen King Carrie menstruation Irigaray feminine language Kristeva abjection


Work Cited
2005. Print.
Burns, Gail E., and Melinda Kanner. “Women, Danger and Death: The Perversion
Popular Culture. Ed. Diane Raymond. Boweling Green,
2000. Print.
