  • 學位論文


The Study of Learning Achievement of Multimedia Courseware with Different Displaying Methods on Mobile Devices - in Senior High School “Living Technology” Classes as an Example

指導教授 : 陳登吉


科技發展日新月異,無線寬頻技術日趨成熟,行動載具價格廣受一般民眾接受,現今正邁入行動學習的時代,行動化學習,應更強調個人化學習,並更重視個人學習風格以及適合個人化的多媒體呈現方式,而多媒體教材該如何設計,先前已有許多文獻探討『多媒體不同呈現方式』對於提高學習有顯著成效;例如:多媒體實驗(文字、文字+圖片、文字+動畫),所得結果為文字+動畫的組合成效最好(Szabo、Poohkay,1996),而另一個多媒體實驗(文字、文字+圖片、文字+動畫),所得結果為文字+圖片的組合成效最好(Lai,1998),但文獻中並未將『多媒體呈現方式』與『學習風格』作兩因子之實驗設計,是否因此得出結果並不統一,仍值得繼續研究。 行動學習之學習工具-行動載具,其可呈現『資訊量』有限,而行動化學習更須重視個人化學習及個人『學習風格』與適合個人化之『多媒體呈現方式』,現今仍極缺乏文獻針對探討行動載具『資訊量』、『Felder & Silverman學習風格』、『多媒體呈現方式』三者的關聯。且因行動載具的螢幕較小,究竟何種多媒體呈現順序組合,才是對不同學習類型學習者是最好的方式? 本研究採準實驗設計方法,實驗對象為新竹縣某所高中一年級4個班級學生共154人,實驗教材為高一生活科技「能源與動力科技」單元,探討行動載具上教材設計時『資訊量』數多少最佳,且『不同種類』的『多媒體呈現順序組合』之教材,透過實驗找出何種組合方式,對於視覺型、語言型學生,其學習成效最佳,並作為未來行動載具上製作多媒體教材設計之參考依據。 國際數據資訊機構(IDC)預測未來智慧型手機將成為未來的主流,而3.5吋為其主流規格,故本研究實驗之設計控制螢幕大小於3.5吋下進行實驗,收集數據統計分析的結果發現如下: (1)搭配資訊量4的多媒體教材,其認知負荷最低。 (2)最適合在不分學習風格,整體考量下之行動載具上學習之多媒體呈現順序為(AP) (先聲音後圖像) (3)最適合語言型學生於行動載具上學習之多媒體呈現順序多媒體呈現順序為(TA) (先文字後聲音) (4)最適合視覺型學生於行動載具上學習之多媒體呈現順序之多媒體呈現順序為(AP) (先聲音後圖像) (5) 行動載具上學習多媒體教材其『認知負荷』與『學習成效』呈現高度相關。 本研究的結果,將可提供教師在往後教導「能源與動力科技」主題教學時,製作行動學習之多媒體教材之參考。


With the rapid development in technology, the technique of wireless broadband has been more and more sophisticated, and the price of mobile devices has been broadly accepted by customers. Even though the era of mobile learning is approaching nowadays, the importance of personalized learning shouldn’t be ignored. Many researches show different displaying methods can help students get greater achievement. For example, One research shows the team combining texts and animations got higher achievement(Szabo、Poohkay,1996). However, another research shows the team combining texts and pictures got higher achievement(Lai,1998).Because those two researches did not have same result,we need to do deeper research on the topic. This thesis is designed to do a research on the relationship among the amount of information carried by the mobile devices, different learning styles of student and the different displaying methods on mobile devices The method of the thesis is Quasi-Experimental Designs on 4 classes of 1st graders in a senior high school in Hsin Chu County in Taiwan; the teaching material is “Technology of Power and Motion” in the course of “Living Technology.” The thesis is intended to analyze: (1) How much amount of information carried by mobile devices is the optimized in terms of students of visual learning and verbal learning respectively? (2) What displaying method on mobile devices work best for students of visual learning and verbal learning respectively? The results of the thesis are presented as the following: (1) When the amount of information carried by mobile devices lies in 4, the cognitive load is the lowest for both students of visual learning and verbal learning. (2) The most optimized displaying methods on mobile devices is AP (Audio first and then Pictures). (3) The most optimized displaying methods on mobile devices for the students of verbal learning is TA( Text first and then Audio). (4) The most optimized o displaying methods on mobile devices for the students of visual learning is AP (Audio first and then Pictures). (5) The cognitive load of learning on mobile devices is highly related with the learning achievement. Hopefully, the results of the thesis can be widely used as a reference for teachers when implementing mobile learning in the near future.


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