  • 學位論文


Analysis of emergency relief needs of victims

指導教授 : 許鉅秉


本研究選定颱風、地震之災民為研究對象,原因在於這兩類的災害在台灣最常發生。在建立心理感知的效用需求函數時,考量災民在生理需求方面,渴望獲得補給外,在心理方面的需求,也渴望得到安慰與鼓勵,所以提出了心理感知的需求函數,涵蓋了生理與心理需求方面的關係。 心理需求之探討,屬一潛在變數,由愛、希望、關懷三大項的變數所構成,透過資料蒐集與文獻的回顧,再將這三部分分為10個觀測變數來加以衡量。此外本研究亦以實驗設計的方式來設計問卷,以推估出心理感知的效用需求函數的參數值。 問卷調查總共收回472份有效問卷。統計結果顯示地震的災民首重醫療的物資供給,而風災的災民則較注重水和食物的補給,由此可知,不同的災難應提供不同的補給,以滿足災民的需求。另外,地震與風災的災難中,受訪者都會把人道關懷的服務納入考慮,可見心理感知的服務愈來愈受重視。 在模式估計結果顯示,幼年與壯年的受訪者,認為有形的服務比心理感知的服務略為重要些,而老年的受訪者則認為,心理感知的服務比有形的物資服務更為重要,由此可見,老年人較需要心靈上面的支持與安慰。


Earthquake and typhoon are the main disasters in Taiwan. This thesis aims at relief demander demand analysis, where a relief demand function is proposed and investigated, based on relief demanders' attitudes of relief distribution and service performance perceived. Specifically, this thesis defines relief distribution service value as a latent variable characterized by three major variables: love, hope, and care to indicate relief demanders' psychological demands. Through servey data collection and literature review, these three latent variables are measured using 10 measurement items. In addition, this study also uses stated prefernece analysis to estimate the parameters of utility functions of relief demanders. This thesis collects a total of 472 valid samples for questionnaires. The analytical results identify that the medical supply is the most important to relief demnders for eqrthquakes; however, water or foods supply is the most important to those in the disaster case of typhoons. Therefore, this thesis suggests that different relief supplies should be provided to meet relief demanders' needs in different disaster cases. In addition, different groups of relief demanders have different attitudes of humanitarian services. For example, tangible relief distribution is more important for children and normal relief demanders, compared with intangible humanitarian service during disasters. Relatively, elderly demanders may urgently need humanitarian service which is more important than tangible relief received, indicating that the elderly may need spiritual support and comfort in the aftermath of a disaster.


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