  • 學位論文


Application of Configure To Order in Semiconductor Wet Process Equipment Industry

指導教授 : 林則孟


企業面對著消費市場的迅速變動,產品生命週期愈來愈短,快速裝配式接單生產 (CTO: Configure To Order) 的商業模式,成為高科技資訊產業的未來主流趨勢。目前在半導體設備製造產業的接單生產模式,多為訂單後製造組裝(BTF: Build To Order),雖依客戶需求量身訂做,但設計生產時間冗長,機台性能穩定度不足,無法滿足客戶快速建購其生產線需求,延誤其市場商機。 本研究藉由探討CTO模式在 PC 代工產業的成功經驗與製造生產的實際做法,達到快速客製化接單生產,再以半導體設備製造產業,濕式製程化學設備供應商 S 公司導入CTO模式的實務做法。 從模組化設計、供應鏈設計、模組化製程生產裝配與標準化生產裝配、平行工程製造、延遲差異化策略、推拉式生產策略最適化、供應鏈管理與供應商庫存管理合作及資訊網路資源建構運用,來達到快速客製接單,快速裝配生產降低生產製造成本及物流策略快速遞貨裝機上線之綜效。 並提出相關的結論與建議,作為國內半導體設備製造業導入CTO模式之參考。


Each enterprise company is facing the short lifetime of products and various markets. The basic abilities for company to survive are fast product developing power and lower manufacturing cost. Configure To Order(CTO) business model is becoming the main stream of high-technology information industry in the future. The business model in semiconductor equipment manufacturing industry is BTO model (BTO: Build To Order). It will take unexpected long time to manufacturing product from design till assembly finish, then customer will miss market opportunities, although it can fit customization specification. The purpose of this study is searching the successful experience of CTO (Configure To Order) business model in PC OEM/ODM industry, then applies these key advantage skills into the semiconductor equipment manufacturing industry to achieve fast production and customization specification business target, And by the semiconductor equipment manufacture industry, wet bench equipment supplier S corporation inducts the practice procedure of CTO, from the modularity design, the supply chain design and set up, the modularity process procedure and standardized production assembly, the parallel project manufacture, the postponement strategy, push-pull manufacturing strategy, the supply chain management and vender managed inventory and the information network resources construction etc. And proposed the correlation conclusion and suggestion, takes the domestic semiconductor equipment manufacturer inducts the CTO model.


CTO BTF/BTS BTO Modularity


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