  • 學位論文


Decision Model for R&D Project Portfolio of IC Design Company and A Case Study

指導教授 : 簡禎富


在電子產業競爭激烈的環境中,科技產品推陳出新、改朝換代的速度也越來越快,產品的生命週期也越來越縮短。IC設計產業身處在電子產業供應鏈的上游,也面臨日益增加的競爭壓力。如何選擇對公司最有利的開發計畫組合,讓公司取得最大的市場競爭力和獲利,可以說是IC設計公司維繫生機的重要決策。 本研究以資料包絡分析法(data envelopment analysis, DEA)和簡易多屬性評估權重法(simple multi-attribute ranking technique, SMART)為基礎,建構多項IC設計專案重要的屬性參數,並結合領域專家的實務經驗與知識,以發展IC設計專案計畫的組合決策模式,以提升IC設計公司選擇開發計畫組合的決策品質。 綜觀本研究,有三點是以往的研究沒有探討的部分: (1)針對IC設計產業的現況與實際產品開發計畫組合所關注的重點項目,進行問題架構說明與闡述。 (2)採用資料包絡分析法對不同產品開發計畫做效率前緣的分析評估方法。 (3)採用簡易多屬性評估法對所有可能的計畫組合做權重法評分,並排序出最佳組合。 本研究以台灣某IC設計公司為實證研究,在不影響研究效度及分析的情況下,本研究中之資料及指標已作必要之修正,以保障該公司之營業機密,實證結果已驗證本研究之效度與可行性。


The electronics industry is in the highly competitive environment. High-tech product innovation and technology migration are increasingly changing, while the product life cycles are shortening at the same time. IC design industry is a critical part of the supply chain of the electronics industry that is facing the same competition with increasing capital investments driven by Moore’s Law. The decision for seleting projects for the R&D portfolio is crucial for the profitability and competitive advantages of the IC design company in order to survive and sustain in the consumer electronics era. However, little research has been done to address this need and involved issues. To fill the gaps, this aims to construct a decision framework based on UNISON decision framework to employ data envelopment analysis (DEA) and simple multi-attribute ranking technique (SMART) to develop a decision-making model for IC design project portfolio considering important attributes and parameters of IC design projects and domain knowledge. In particular, this thesis addressed three issues that were rarely studied in the existing studies: (1)Explain and elaborate the framework of the IC design project portfolio problems for the current IC design industry and what attributes are the decision makers really concerned. (2)Analysis and evaluation methodology using data envelopment analysis (DEA) to analyze the efficient frontier of different IC design projects. (3)Sort out the best IC design project portfolio using simple multi-attribute rating technique (SMART) with weighted method. This thesis used real data adopted an IC design company in Taiwan for an empirical study to illustrate the proposed approach for validation. The results have shown practical viability of the proposed approach.


Chen-Fu Chien (2002), A portfolio-evaluation framework for selecting R&D projects, R&D Management, Vol.32, No. 4, pp. 359-368.


李宗育(2017)。台灣IC設計產業效率與生產力評估-運用Dynamic Network DEA〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0028-2612201614280900
