  • 學位論文


An Integrated Model for Logistics Operation Scheduling and Work Assignment

指導教授 : 侯建良


由於企業之物流服務需求隨經貿活動之發展而日益增加,使得第三方物流業者與傳統物流中心於商業流通之過程中,扮演相當重要之後勤支援任務。因此,物流中心之作業效率對於企業體之營運績效實有顯著之影響。過去許多物流業者於追求物流作業效率提升之過程中,紛紛投入大量資金於軟體系統、硬體設備之改善,以期能提升物流中心之整體作業效率。然而,於物流中心之作業現場中,物流作業活動多屬勞力密集型活動,因此,除相關軟體系統與硬體設備之導入與升級外,更需審慎考量「平衡各物流作業人員之工作負荷」之條件,方能有效地提升物流作業效率。此外,於傳統物流中心作業現場中,「物流作業排程與人員排班」之管理工作多仰賴作業現場主管依個人經驗進行規劃,而此種以人力進行排程與排班規劃之方式往往缺乏客觀性,易因人為判斷失誤,造成物流作業時程安排不當與作業人員工作負荷不均等問題,甚至影響所有物流作業執行之成效。有鑑於此,本研究乃發展一套啟發式「物流作業排程與人員排班」演算法,並將此啟發式演算法予以系統化,以整合規劃物流作業排程與人員排班之結果,並作為物流作業現場管理人員決策之參考。 本研究之精神乃以「平衡作業人員之工作負荷」與「安排各項物流活動之適切人力與時間」為物流作業排程之目標,依據每日之訂單需求與例行作業需求,排程當日目標物流作業之作業時程與順序。本研究並以「指派作業績效最佳之作業員於各物流活動」為人員排班之目標,進行目標物流作業合適作業人員之指派,以完成物流作業人員之排班班表。之後,本研究乃將物流作業排程與人員排班之整合推論模式予以系統化,並發展一套「物流作業指派系統」,期望以資訊技術輔助物流作業現場主管之決策判斷,以期能縮短物流作業排程與人員排班之規劃時間,進而提升物流作業之整體執行效率。 最後,本研究以一物流中心之實際作業資料進行案例驗證,以檢驗本研究之方法論與系統的可行性;而由驗證結果顯示,不同參數條件、不同資料規模均不會影響系統推論成效,即系統之推論結果呈現穩定狀態。整體而言,本研究所發展之方法論與系統不僅可減少過去仰賴作業現場主管以人工方式進行作業排程與人員排班之機會,亦可改善過去因作業排程與人員排班規劃過程繁複而造成作業效率不彰且工作負荷增加之缺點。


Due to the increasing demand for logistics services with development of business activities, the third party logistics service providers (3PLs) and logistics centers play an important role in modern enterprises. The operation efficiency of a logistics center usually significantly affects the performance of business activities. Therefore, in order to increase operation efficiency, many logistics service providers invest a lot of money to improve their information systems and hardware. Since the logistics operations are mostly labor-intensive, the logistics service providers must focus on the workload balance of operators in order to improve operation efficiency of logistics centers. Furthermore, traditionally the logistics operation scheduling and work assignment rely heavily on the expertise of experienced managers to make decisions. Under such circumstance, the decision processes for logistics operation scheduling and work assignment are lack of objectivity, mismanagement and worsened business performance. In order to achieve the goal, a heuristic algorithm for logistics operation scheduling and work assignment is developed in this research. The main purpose of this research is to provide an integrated solution for logistics operation scheduling and work assignment. For logistics operation scheduling, this research focuses mainly on the load balance of operators and labor assignment for various logistics activities. For staff scheduling, the research primarily concentrates on assignment of high-efficiency operators to the corresponding logistics activities. Based on the proposed heuristic algorithm, a system for logistics operation scheduling and work assignment is also developed. Through the developed system, the optimal logistics operation schedule and work assignment can be generated. Furthermore, testing and verifing the performance of the algorithm and system by a real case data is steady. In summary, this methodology not only substantially reduces reliance on planners to assign the operations and staff but also simplifies the logistics operation scheduling and work assignment procedure.


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