  • 學位論文


The value chain analysis of Foundry test divisions in the test & packaging market

指導教授 : 吳泉源


在晶圓製程技術日新月異和半導體產業激烈的競爭下,晶圓代工製造廠已經很難維持高獲利率。未來趨勢不僅只是將自己的晶圓製造流程品質做好即可,更要進一步提供差異化的供應鏈服務管理,以滿足客戶「One Stop Shopping:一次購足」的需求,創造競爭優勢。Turn Key統包服務無疑是達到此差異化競爭優勢最佳的利器。而過程中晶圓代工廠測試部門正是扮演此Turn Key統包服務運籌帷幄最關鍵的角色。 本論文旨在研究晶圓代工廠內部測試部門在整個半導體的代工價值的創造過程中,如何發揮其兩大鏈結價值: 1)快速的提供電性參數良率回饋(Fast Yield Feedback)以改善製程良率;2) 提供客戶後段封測整體解決方案(Backend Total Solution)。研究過程包含從客戶(IC設計或IDM)、晶圓代工廠與封測廠等各別不同的角色分析其對半導體後段封測技術的開發、產能設備投資以及價格的擬定,彼此都有不同的策略定位與運作模式。總體而言,IC設計公司比較需要的是完整的封測服務解決方案;IDM則著重在成本的考量。晶圓代工廠賣的是晶片,為了爭取前述兩者的訂單,必須提供價廉物美的封測服務,才能在競爭激烈的代工市場獲得加分效果;而對下游的封測代工廠而言,依不同的公司規模與產業地位在爭取IC設計及IDM客戶的直接訂單或晶圓代工廠委工的間接訂單,都有不同的策略運作。 本研究結果顯示,晶圓代工廠的測試部門必須清楚掌握幾個重要因素,以便在自製的垂直整合與外包的水平分工決策上彈性運作並作做最好價值鏈結:包含1) Foundry客戶對晶圓代工廠In House或 Outsourcing的考量或喜好 2) 前段Fab 對先進製程產品良率回饋的重要性與急迫性(In House的品質和交期理應比out-source好很多)3)In House與out-source的成本差異,做必要的因應措施(例如購買或租賃機台來符合必須In House測試的要求以降低成本)。總之,晶圓代工廠的測試部門必須隨時掌握封測的技術藍圖,才能一方面提供客戶最佳的封測解決方案;另一方面亦提供前段晶圓製程快速的良率回饋以改善良率,為晶圓製造廠創造更高的附加價值。封測廠除了不斷提昇代工的技術與品質之外,更要了解Fabless、IDM與晶圓廠的需求,提昇與各主要晶圓代工廠的產能與價格策略合作關係,不低價搶單,才能確保長期代工訂單,提昇機台使用率,獲取代工利潤。


Abstract Semiconductor is one of the most important industries in Taiwan during the past 30 years. The output value of semiconductor in 2004 has been over 1.1 trillion NT dollars which is the first industry hitting the target of 6-year government economic strategy named「Two Trillion & Twin Star」addressed in 2000. The Industrial Development Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs forecasts that the output value of Taiwan semiconductor industry in 2008 will reach 1.75 trillion NT dollars and more than 2 trillion NT dollars in 2009. For the Taiwan wafer foundry industry, the worldwide market share of wafer fabrication has launched to 69.2%; IC packaging and testing has reached 44.8% and 60% worldwide market share respectively in 2005. Although Taiwan has been playing the most important role in the wafer foundry industry of the world, there still existing a lot of challenge from their international competitors such as Chartered, SMIC (Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation) and other new comers. In order to keep the leading edge in this foundry business, all the foundry Fabrication companies have to keep developing not only their advanced process technology with best quality system, but have to try to extend their service scope from wafer manufacturing to the very early stage of IC design and related IP verification. On the other hand, Foundry should elaborate to extend their wafer manufacturing service to the backend test and packaging whole solution to pursue more differential and added value. The “ Test and Packaging” divisions of foundry Fabs have been playing the most critical value chain for the process linkage between them. The major purpose of this thesis is trying to analyze the core value of test and packaging divisions including provide the fast yield feedback information to their front-end wafer fabrication manufacturing in order to enhance their process yields. On the other hand, this division also provides their foundry customers with backend total solution in order to make their customer win in the market. In order to approach the above two core values of test and packaging division of foundry fabs, this division needs to keep the advanced technology roadmap on both testing and packaging engineering. Meanwhile this division also has to integrate all the backend resources with cost effective and differential ways to provide the best services to either fabless or IDM customers and create the exclusive added value and competency while compete with her competitors.


1. Michael E. Porter, 2006 “Competitive Strategy”-
Techniques for Analyzing Industrial and Competitors
2. Michael E. Porter, 2006 “Competitive Advantage ”李明
3. Charles H. Fine, 2000 “Clockspeed” – Winning
Industry Control in the Age of Temporary Advantage李筠


