  • 學位論文


An RFID-based Model for Object Relationship Identification and Guiding

指導教授 : 侯建良


隨著RFID技術發展日趨成熟,各領域之業者紛紛導入RFID技術以支援其日常營運之各項工作;以往RFID技術應用之相關研究多針對特定領域或應用情境發展一套適用於該環境之應用模式,以解決該環境中物件互動行為產生之問題。然而,綜觀過去研究,本研究發現日常生活環境中之人、事、物等物件間之互動行為乃因某些隱含目標而產生,故若可透過RFID技術協助環境中具隱含目標之物件得以順利達成其目的,則可減少人們進行特定活動所花費之搜索成本與時間,更甚者可降低危害之發生。因此,本研究乃期望歸納現行RFID技術之應用狀況,以分析各種環境下物件間互動行為所形成之基本關係與議題,進而針對各項物件關係發展一套「以RFID技術為基礎之關係探索與導引方法論」,並基於所發展之方法論建構一套「RFID物件關係探索與導引系統」。 本研究乃先探討實務環境(包括書籍賣場及醫院環境)中可能之物件互動行為及該行為所隱含之目標,之後則針對過去RFID技術應用相關研究探討各領域中之RFID技術應用情形,以定義各情境下物件間互動行為所形成之八項物件基本關係(包括「媒合關係」、「障礙關係」、「禁入關係」、「禁出關係」、「衝突關係」、「交集關係」、「一致關係」與「支援關係」等八種物件基本關係)。之後,本研究乃基於物件RFID化環境之假設前提下、針對前述八項物件基本關係發展一套「以RFID技術為基礎之關係探索與導引方法論」。本方法論之細部作法乃先利用RFID技術取得環境中之物件基本資料,並根據三種物件關係維度組合物件群,之後則根據各項物件關係之推論規則判斷各物件群所形成之物件關係,最後則針對各項物件關係給予特定物件相關導引訊息,以導引環境中具關係之物件群得以被媒合、或避免彼此接觸。最後,本研究乃以所發展之方法論為基礎,建構一套可適用多領域之各項應用議題的「RFID物件關係探索與導引系統」,以期能透過此模式與系統詮釋以往應用於不同領域之RFID技術應用議題。此外,本研究乃參照各長期照護單位之區域設置方式與營運資料建立一小型模擬看護中心,並於此型模擬看護中心內進行系統績效驗證,以分析本研究所提出物件關係探索與導引方法論的可行性與有效性;而由系統驗證結果可知,本系統進行物件定位與物件關係導引任務之績效頗佳,故本研究所發展之RFID物件關係探索與導引模式及系統實可應用於實務環境,以藉由RFID技術協助環境中具隱含目標之物件得以順利達成其目的之理想。


With the development of the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, many application domains have applied the technology to support the routine operations. The previous studies about RFID applications focus mainly on the specific issues in the application domains. This research aims at discovering the interactions between objects (including human beings, physical goods and locations) based on their predefined objectives. In order to reduce the time and costs for searching objects, this reseach attempts to establish a model to derive object relationship and guide the objects toward their predefined objectives via the RFID technology. Therefore, this study analyzes the eight general types of object interactions and develops an RFID-based model and platform for object relationship identification and guiding. In order to automatically reveal the relationship between objects via the RFID technology, this research proposes an object relationship identification and guiding algorithm based on the eight types of object interactions. The proposed model consists of three components namely object combination (OB), object relationship identification (ORI) and object guiding (OG). In the OB module, the objects are grouped based on their characteristics. In the ORI module, the relationships between objects can be determined based on the demands and attributes of objects. In the OG module, the information of relative position can be determined and deliverd to the specific objects in order to guide the objects toward their predefined objectives. This research also develops an RFID-based object relationship identification and guiding platform based on the proposed model in order to realize the goal of guiding the objects toward their predefined objectives. Moreover, based on the proposed methodology, an Object Relationship Identification and Guiding System (ORIG-System) is established and a simulated environment is created in order to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed model. The verification results show that the system has good efficiency in object relationship identification and guiding. As a whole, the proposed model and system could be applied in real-world cases to support the routine operations in distinct application domains via the RFID technology.


RFID Object Guiding Object Relationship


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