  • 學位論文


The Automated Usability Testing Method Based on Fuzzy Matching Concept

指導教授 : 王茂駿


由於現今使用者消費習慣之改變,使用者已不僅為了滿足生活所需而購買 產品或服務,在多樣化商品選擇中如何脫穎而出即成為一重要議題。因此使用者需求開始受到重視,有許多學者開始探討產品或服務之使用性(Usability)問題,希望透過改善其使用性提升使用者經驗(User Experience),故興起了使用者中心設計(User-Centered Design)的概念。而在這網際網路普及的時代,網路使用性開始受到高度重視,因而衍生出網路探勘(Web Mining)、網路使用者行為追蹤等方法來分析網路使用者的行為。儘管至今學者已提出許多使用性評估方法,但其大多數屬於人工進行之方法,近年來學者已開始著重於自動化使用性評估方法的發展,因自動化可帶來許多好處,如降低成本、增加評估之涵蓋範圍等優點。雖然自動化的使用性評估方法被學者們所推崇,但實際上被組織所使用的實例卻很少,多數與其方法之前置作業困難或需高技術支援相關。因此如何發展一套不需高成本與高技術支援之自動化使用性評估方法即成為一重要議題。 本研究旨在發展一套自動化使用性評估方法,以既有的網路服務與軟體為基礎,開發一套自動化評估流程。在方法上,首先以自動化技術進行網路使用者行為記錄,並以模糊化(Fuzzy)的概念來定義網路使用者行為模型,透過網路探勘的技術進行序列模型挖掘(Sequential Pattern Discovery),最後透過序列校正(Sequence Alignment)之計算找出序列模型間之差異,以了解設計者與使用者間預期的落差。最後,透過一個案研究將此自動化使用性評估方法應用在所建構之購物網站中,以進行此方法之實際模擬與驗證,結果顯示透過此方法能夠使設計者更佳結構化的設計並改善網站,以達到提高網站使用性之目的。


Due to the change of consumption habits of today's consumers, the purchase of products or service is not just to meet the needs of daily life. Thus, how to stand out in a diversified selection of products becomes an important issue. Many scholars explore the usability of products or services to enhance the user experience. Thus the concept of user-centered design arises. In this internet era, web usability has been taken seriously, and thus web mining, web user behavior tracking and other methods are developed to analyze the behavior of web users. To date, scholars have proposed many usability testing methods, but most are artificial methods. In recent years, scholars began to focus on automated usability testing method, because automation can bring in many benefits, such as reducing cost and increasing testing coverage, etc. Although scholars have highly valued the automated testing method, it is rarely used by the organizations due to it needs high technical support. Hence, how to develop an automated testing method without the high cost and high-level support becomes a crucial issue. This study aims to develop an automated usability testing method using existing services and software. First, this study uses automated techniques to record the web user behavior, and to define the user behavior pattern based on fuzzy concept. Then, we do the sequential pattern discovery by web mining technique, and calculate the differences between patterns. Finally, through the sequence alignment, we can find some information about the cognition gap between users and designers. Finally, we construct a shopping website to present a case study using this automated testing method. By conducting simulation and verification of this method, we conclude that this method can enable designers to better construct and improve their website to achieve the purpose of improving web usability.


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