  • 學位論文

合作學習融入英語繪本教學之行動研究--- 以國小四年級為例

Action Research on Integrating Cooperative Learning into English Picture Book Teaching – A Case Study of Fourth Graders

指導教授 : 張雅芳


面對快速變動的時代,台灣的孩子在競爭激烈的環境中要如何勝出?除了要培養孩子積極主動學習的態度之外,更要擁有責任感,以及善於與人溝通、團隊合作的人際關係能力。是的,「能與他人合作」就是未來的關鍵能力之一! 另外大家所日益重視的英語能力則是另一項加分的利器,而在國小教學現場,英語繪本是很常使用的教材之一。研究者認為,合作學習能提昇學習能力與學習態度,而英語繪本兼具趣味與知識,若能將兩者加以結合且針對學習對象特質將學習策略加以巧妙運用,相信這樣的課程將更為精彩! 本研究試圖以英語繪本為核心設計課程,並融入合作學習的教學策略,以國小四年級學童為研究對象,採用行動研究方式,實施一共十二節的教學實驗。研究者透過錄影、觀察、訪談等方式,獲得多元且豐富的學習與教學歷程,再輔以學生問卷調查結果並且綜合協同教師與家長意見,以獲得不同角度的驗證。藉由此一行動方案來提昇學生的英語聽與說的能力進而增強其自信心且幫助學生在人際互動上更臻成熟完善。 本研究結果發現: 一、英語繪本活潑有趣的內容,有助孩子提昇學習興趣。 二、運用合作學習的教學策略,能有效提昇同儕正面互動。 三、學生建立自信並以口語方式展現其英語聽、說能力的學習成果。 四、教師應設計多元化活動,幫助學生獲得更多學習經驗。 五、行動研究能幫助教師不斷檢視自己的教學、時時反省思考並提昇專業知能。


合作學習 英語繪本


How can children in Taiwan stand out from the highly competitive environment and the rapidly changing time? To do so, they, in additon to active learning attitude, must have responsibility and interpersonal abilities to communicate and cooperate with others. Indeed, “the ability to cooperate with others” is one of the key competences in the future.On the other hand, English competency is also well recognized as a plus to one’s ability and in English classrooms of elementary schools, pictures books are one of the most frequently used materials. The author of this research believes cooperative learning promotes learning abilities and positive attitude, and English picture books are interesting as well as instructive. The curriculum will enhance learning if teachers combine both and apply learning strategies according to learners’ characteristics. This research aimed to design a curriculum which integrated cooperative learning strategies into English picture books teaching. This study was an action research, carried out from February 2011 to April 2011. A total of 8 fourth graders in an elementary school participated in this study. The researcher applied qualitative methods to collect data, including recording, observing, interviewing, etc., and obtained diverse and rich data regarding learning and teaching process. In addition, student quesionnaires were used and opinions of co-teachers and parents were analyzed to get different angles of verification. It is hoped through this curriculum, students’ listening comprehension and speaking ability can be enhaced, as well as their confidence and interpersonal abilities can be improved. The findings of this study were as following: 1. The interesting content of English picture books promoted learners’ motivation. 2. Teaching strategies stimulating cooperative learning strategies facilitated positve interactions among peer learners. 3. In this curriculum, students builded confidence and were able to demonstrate their English listening comprehension and speaking abilities. 4. Teachers should design diversified activities so as to help students aquire more learning experiences. 5. Action research helped teachers continuously examine and reflected their teaching ,and helped promote their professional growth.




