  • 學位論文


The Relation Amoung Leadship Styles, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment:A Case of Air Force Technical Staff in An Air Base

指導教授 : 黃一峯


國軍精粹案自100年開始實施,組織及人員分階段裁撤、精減,在總工作量沒有減少的情況之下,所面臨的課題是平均工作量的增加,壓力變大,影響工作滿足,導致組織績效降低。而軍事單位各級幹部職務異動頻繁,一個領導者的更迭,對部隊的影響可想而知。領導者領導績效會直接反映在部屬的工作滿足和組織承諾上,因此,了解領導者的領導類型是否會影響部屬的工作滿足並進而影響其組織承諾,對領導者而言,是相當的重要。 因此,本研究以某空軍單位為對象,收集 399 份問卷,以轉型式領導、交易式領導及家長式領導為自變項,工作滿足與組織承諾為依變項,探討領導類型、工作滿足與組織承諾彼此之間的相關性,藉以了解空軍技勤單位人員對領導類型認知程度不同情況下對工作滿足的影響程度,及對組織承諾產生的影響。 最後,根據結論,研究者對空軍技勤單位領導之管理實務意涵提出相關建議,也對本研究限制以及後續研究提出討論與建議。


National army essence of the case 100 years from start implementation, organization and personnel phased abolition, streamlining, no reduction in the overall workload of the circumstances, the subject is facing the average increase in workload, the pressure becomes large, affecting job satisfaction, resulting organizational performance decrease. The duties of military units Transaction cadres at all levels frequently, a leader of the more Diego, imagine the impact of the troops. Leader leadership performance will be directly reflected in the subordinate job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and therefore, to understand the leader's leadership type will affect the subordinates' job satisfaction and thus affect their organizational commitment of leaders, it is a quite important. Therefore, this study certain air units as objects, collected 399 questionnaires to transformational leadership, transaction-style leadership and paternalistic leadership as the independent variable, job satisfaction and organizational commitment as the dependent variable to explore leadership type, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment correlation between each other in order to understand the technical ground units of the Air Force personnel to the type of leadership awareness level under different scenarios the impact on job satisfaction level, and on the impact of organizational commitment. Finally, according to the conclusions, the researchers ground units of the Air Force leadership skills of management practices implications suggestions, but also the limitations of the study and follow-up study proposes discussions and suggestions.


