  • 學位論文


The Impact of “One fixed day off and one flexible rest day” Policy on Taiwan Labor

指導教授 : 李仲彬
共同指導教授 : 黃婉玲(Wan-Ling Huang)


本研究旨在了解「一例一休」制度對台灣勞工之影響。本研究除對相關文獻進行分析之外,主要採焦點團體訪談之質性研究,針對五個不同產業類別之勞工團體(建築業-工地、客運業、車床加工、餐飲業、文教出版)中之十六位勞工從業人員做為訪談的對象,探討一例一休制度對台灣勞工的影響。研究主要使用「一例一休制度對台灣勞工的影響」等四個焦點團體訪談大綱做為研究工具,並將訪談所得資料進行開放性編碼、分類及說明定義與關連性,建構出一例一休制度對台灣勞工之影響的研究架構。最後獲致以下研究結果: 壹、一例一休制度對台灣勞工生活層面的影響: 一、家庭:經濟壓力、無法儲蓄、縮減家庭開銷。 二、生活習慣:無法加班、被迫休假、生活節奏亂套。 三、生活圈:降低應酬、縮小交際範圍、影響人際關係。 四、薪資:實質薪資減少,影響家庭、生活圈、生涯規劃等。 五、生涯規劃:薪資減少,延後退休,重新擬定計畫。 貳、一例一休制度對台灣勞工的心理與生理層面的影響: 一、勞工心理放鬆:休假增加,舒緩工作壓力。 二、勞工心理壓力:增加工作緊張情緒、影響睡眠品質、催趕工作進度、壓縮午休時間;心理壓力、負面情緒累積。 三、勞工生理影響:心跳加速、心悸、緊張流汗、呼吸急促、胃痛等生理 現象及壓力造成身體不適或疾病產生。 四、勞工生理時鐘影響:生活錯亂、重新調整。 參、一例一休制度對台灣勞資關係層面的影響: 一、加薪:無法加班,加薪困難。 二、人事爭議:資方變相降低人事成本、聘用年資淺的勞工、雇用工讀生 或臨時工。 三、福利與薪資:縮減福利措施,改變薪資結構,降低實質薪資。 四、加班:減少或取消加班時間。 最後根據研究發現,提出具體建議以供主管勞動行政機關及勞資雙方作為修法及後續研究者參考。


一例一休 勞工 政策


The purpose of this thesis was to access the influence of the new labor laws, which providing for one fixed day off and one flexible rest day off per week, to Taiwan labor. The qualitative research utilized semi-structured interview, choosing 16 interviewees from five industry’s labor group (including construction industry, transport industry, lathe turning industry, catering industry, and publishing industry) to observe the impact by the policy. The research analyzed the interview results from 4 focus groups by open coding, categorizing, definition explaining, and connectedness to build the conceptual framework. The research conclusion including: 1. The influences in daily life for Taiwan labor from the “one fixed day off and one flexible rest day off” include: i. Family: financial pressure, lack of deposit, declining family expense. ii. Daily life: unable to have extra work, forced to take unpaid leave, mess life. iii. Living community: reducing entertaining clients, reducing socialization, effect of relationship. iv. Salary: real wages decline, which effects family, living community, career planning, and etc. v. Career planning: wages decline, postponing retirement, rescheduling. 2. The mental and physical influences from the “one fixed day off and one flexible rest day off” to labors including: i. Mental relaxing: ‘much relaxing’, and ‘tension relieving’. ii. Mental pressure: ‘increasing tension’, ‘sleeping quality decline’, ‘hasten working schedule’, ‘compressed break time’, and ‘negative emotion accumulation’. iii. Physical influences: ‘heart beat hasten for the limited work time’, ‘hyperventilate for the limited work time’, ‘sweat for the limited work time’, ‘stomach pain’, and any other uncomfortable or illness. iv. Circadian readjust: mess lifestyle, readjustment. 3.The influences from the policy between management and labor include: i. Increased pay: ‘no extra work’, ‘difficult to increased pay’. ii. Human resource dispute: ‘cost decline in human resource’, ‘hiring temporary worker, part-time worker, or junior academic’. iii. Salary and benefits dispute: ‘reducing benefit’, ‘salary structure adjustment’, and ‘reducing real wages’. iv: Extra work: reduce or cancel the extra work. Finally, we presented specific suggestion for future research and remedy base for both public sector and private sector.


