  • 學位論文


Design and Development of Scenario-Based Online Course for Elementary Pre-service Teachers: An Example of “Classroom Management”.

指導教授 : 張瓊穗


「班級經營」課程重視讓學生處於真實情境,體會教師如何決策及因應班級狀況,同時對應理論建構出自己對於班級經營的哲學與理念,傳統課程的上課方式較難達到此目的,而情境模擬式線上課程的特質正好能補其不足,本研究目的為:(一)探討教授師資培育中心「班級經營」線上課程之系統功能與內涵需求;(二)以系統化教學設計流程建構一門情境模擬式「班級經營」線上課程;(三)提出情境模擬「班級經營」線上課程在設計、運作及維護方面之具體建議。   本研究的文獻探討分為四個部份:「班級經營」探討班級經營的定義、內涵及班級經營課程的實施現況;「情境模擬教學」探討情境模擬教學的理論基礎及在教學設計上的考量;「線上課程」則探討到線上課程的定義、成功課程的關鍵要素、情境模擬式線上課程的設計原則及國內外相關課程網站之評鑑;「教學設計」探討到教學設計的定義、教學設計的優點及教學設計模式。   本研究是根據系統化教學設計模式設計研究流程,依據分析、設計、發展、實施、評鑑等步驟進行研究,並使用Macromedia Captivate為主要發展工具,建置出符合師資培育中心國小教育學程學生需求的情境模擬式班級經營線上課程。   本研究評鑑後發現,課程的操作說明必需明確才不會造成學習者的困擾,建置豐富的課程相關資料能讓學習者做更深入的學習,聲音、圖形的處理都要事先規劃才能具有優良的課程呈現內容,本研究針對形成性評鑑後的建議修正課程內容,以期提升學習者學習成效及課程品質。


The course of “Classroom Management” emphasizes that students should be situated in actual settings to understand how teachers make decisions and react to all situations in the class, and should construct their own philosophies and ideas about “Classroom Management” corresponding to the original theories. It is hard for the traditional curriculum to reach this goal, and the characteristic of can sever it well. The purposes of this research are listed as followed: (1)Discuss the needs of functions and contents of a “Classroom Management” online course in the teacher education center. (2)Construct a Scenario-based online course of “Classroom Management” based on the systematic instruction design model. (3)Give specific suggestions about designing, operating and maintaining a Scenario-based online course of “Classroom Management”. The literature review of this article is sorted into 4 sections: “Classroom Management”—Discuss the definition and contents of classroom management and the practice of classroom management course. “Scenario-based Instruction”—Discuss the theoretical foundation of the scenario-based instruction and its considerations on instruction design. “Online Course”—Discuss the definition of a online course, key elements of a successful course, the principles of designing a scenario-based online course and the evaluations of domestic and foreign websites on related courses. “Instruction Design”—Discuss the definition, advantages and model of instructional design. The research design of this article is based on the systematic instruction design model, which includes analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation, and use “Macromedia Captivate” as the main development tool to construct a Scenario-based online course of “Classroom Management” fulfilling the needs of students in elementary teacher programs. The evaluation of this research suggests that the operation instructions should be clearly specific to prevent user’s confusion. Constructing plentiful data related to courses allows learners to learn further. The preparation of sounds and images needs to be advanced planned in order to have the outstanding presentation of the course. This research modified the contents of the course based on the results of the formative evaluation, hoping to promote the effectives of the learners and the quality of the course.


