  • 學位論文


The Visual and Cognition Of Drawing in Tectonics

指導教授 : 吳光庭


視覺認知--- 某種由構成性出發的美學,藉由視覺認知討論對「構成」乃至「構築」的特定思維。 構築化/畫--- 「化」指出作用的意義。作用化、構造化等真實Tectonics上的議題。 「畫」指出藝術的意義。藝術心理的討論---個人心理的、經驗的、主體的。但,最後又由個人心理回歸建築的校園場域;變成客體的。 1 在第一個階段由視覺基本功能、認知歷程到圖形認知的感覺是屬於生物功能漸漸到第一層的心理人的階段。 藉由視覺與大腦的運作,對圖形的認知開始涉及心理,我將這個幾何圖形中「看不見的心理」試圖表達出來。並借表達而出的形式與過程來詮釋「意義」,當然也不免與Tectonics的討論。 2 Tectonic已脫離了單純技術問題的刻板討論,建築中的一切開始與操作者的活動「意圖」與材料本身有關。 這個強調的行為「意圖」---意圖對我來說即「心理」,「意圖」與「心理過程」像是同義字,意圖是人的心理角度的切入。 3 論文討論著眼於一種心理層面的構築認知,或說「非物質的構築學」所表現的正是人的意圖。透過作品的穩定構成畫面,達到不穩定的知覺感官的呈現。這表達的是一種非物質化的思維,而非單純的圖形運用或浪漫的情感抒發。 利用圖形給出的條件,作出一種非物質的Tectonics詮釋,經由不穩定的知覺過程展現出一個「穩定」的思維。


感知 構成 構築 意圖 心理 非物質的構築學


Percepts --- The Thesis discuss the Compositions in aesthetics. Study in the Visual and Cognition to make some thoughts in Composition into Tectonics. 構築化/畫--- 「化-ization」---Tectonization 「畫Drawing」The Psychology in Arts---Subjective notions of worth and meaning。But there is somethingmore in Dept. of Architecture in schools---impersonal. 1 In the step 1,From the stimulus on the receptors and The Perceptual Process to the visual and Cognition in drawings.that is all about biologically . By working with the vision ,the percepts of drawing is some about the Psychology.I try to show out the Psychology whose essence is visible. The consciousness of the spirit must be materializes. the consummation of the ideal as content appears therefore simultanously as also the consummation of form. 2 So the Tectonic is not as stiff as a poker.Its not only about technicals. It gives itself in the specific intents with the men who are lust of activity. “Intent”is just the position of psycholization in Tectonics. 3 This thesis just focus on the psycholization in Tectonics,that is immaterial. An understanding as a mode of being. By the works, I use the ”material illustration” to show the “Percepts immaterial”.This is a thinking of immaterial in Tectonics.It’s not only transform the geometrical figure into the structure. I use geometrical figures who gives me some conditions to promote it.Thus the Tectonics become an expressional but factual meaning.I was given the training of thinking,this “thinking ”are emerging from the abstract of Percepts.


Percepts Composition Tectonic Intent Psychology


Rudolf Arnheim/著 李長俊/譯,1982《藝術與視覺心理學》,台北:雄獅
Jean Baudrillard&Jean Nouvel/著 林宜萱/等譯,2004《獨特物件建築與哲學的對話》,台北:田園城市
Leon Whiteson /等著,2002《建築新紀元Architecture for the New Millennium
Mark Anderson&Peter Anderson,2000《Architecture and Construction》,New York:Princeton Architectureal Press

