  • 學位論文


A Study of the Recuperation and Transformation for the Space of the City Street at the 44 Shop Houses of Pourompon

指導教授 : 米復國


本論文期望透過一個真實的操作經驗,提供歷史街區一套建構「復原」與「變遷」圖說的還原操作模式,並透過歷史背景、都市發展政策,找出影響四十四坎市街空間變遷的背後機制,以「都市政策的發展」作為四十四坎空間復原與變遷過程的時間分割點,解讀街庄空間的結構及其歷時性的變遷過程,針對歷時性的變遷,找出共時性的影響變遷之因素。 本研究將四十四坎市街「復原」與「變遷」圖說,依國家政權的移轉(都市政策的發展)分為三個時期,並於研究成果中歸納出五個關鍵性事件(時間點),來說明四十四坎的變遷過程: 一、清領建設時期(1802-1895) 1. 清嘉慶八年四十四坎建街,始建第一進帶過水(大龍峒由散村轉為集村之聚落型態),建構「清嘉慶八年(西元1803年)四十四坎市街復原圖」說明四十四坎始建的規模、範圍及還原方式。 2. 清光緒二十年日本據台前一年,四十四坎從始建第一進帶過水的店屋規模,至清末部分店屋已擴張至第二、三進空間,市街範圍也由頂街擴張至下街,市街空間的擴大致使東、西大龍峒地方空間與力量的結合,建構「清光緒二十年(西元1894年)四十四坎市街復原圖」說明清末四十四坎市街空間發展之關係及其還原方式。 二、日治増/改時期(1895-1945) 3. 大正十四年的《臺北地圖》顯示四十四坎有七坎店屋倒塌之情形,四十四坎出現了「改正」的時機,依法興建符合殖民政府規定的「家屋建築」與原四十四坎的其他店屋並立,市街上開始出現特殊的殖民地風格,建構「日治時期大正十四年(西元1925年)四十四坎增/改建變遷圖」說明都市殖民政策對於四十四坎市街的影響與變遷及其還原方式。 三、國府拆除新建時期(1945-1980) 4. 民國六十二年「萬大計畫」將哈密街(原四十四坎市街中間車道)由原來清領建街的4米30公分,拓寬為11米寬道路,四十四坎南側店屋第一進遭拆除,建構「國府時期四十四坎哈密街拓寬變遷圖(1976年)」說明戰後在都市政策摧毀性的創造下,四十四坎歷史街區的重創與變遷及其還原方式。 5. 民國八十三年哈密街83巷開闢,北二十二、南二十二坎的連棟式長形街屋數棟被拆除、截斷,建構「國府時期四十四坎哈密街83巷開闢變遷圖(1994年)」說明都市計畫的執行不彰與不當,造成歷史街區成為城市現代化與進步象徵的貢品,並突顯戰後都市更新政策的盲點。


Based on the experience of the hands-on operation, it is hoped that this thesis will offer the original operation model of the historic city street through the illustrators of a set of constructed “recuperation” and “transformation”, and find out the mechanism behind the scenes which influenced the transformation of the city street space of the 44 Shop Houses through the history and urban development policy. By using “the development of the urban policy” as the timing division line for the process of the space recuperation and transformation of the 44 Shop Houses, the space structure of the city street and its process for the timing transition will be interpreted. Also, targeting the timing transition, the common factors to influence the transformation will be identified. According to the transition of regimes, this study has divided the illustrators for the “recuperation” and “transformation” into three phases, and five key incidents (according to the timing) have been inducted from the results of the study, so as to elaborate on the transformational process of the 44 Shop Houses:: A. The construction period in the Ching Dynasty (1802-1895) 1. The 44 Shop Houses were built in the 8th year of the reign of Emperor Jia Chin in the Ching Dynasty, starting from the construction of the first shop house (since then, instead of diffusive living type, village type of livelihood had been formed at Pourompon). “The recuperation chart of the 44 Shop Houses in the 8th year (1983 ) of the reign of Emperor Jia Chin in the Ching Dynasty” has been constructed to elaborate on its original establishing scale, range and its restoring method. 2. It was not until the 20th year of the reign of Emperor Guang Xu in the Ching Dynasty, one year before the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, that the first shop house at the 44 Shop Houses was first established. Up to the end of the Ching Dynasty, the shop houses had been extended to the second and third spaces and the scope of the city street had also been expanded from the up street to the down street. The space expansion of the city street led to the combination of the regional space and strength of west and east Porompon. “The recuperation chart of the city street of the 44 Shop Houses in the 20th year (1894) of the reign of Emperor Guang Xu in the Ching Dynasty” has been constructed to elaborate on the relation of the city street space development at the 44 Shop Houses at the end of the Ching Dynasty and its restoring method. B. The modification/revision period in the Japanese colonization times (1895-1945) 3. The “Taipei map” issued in the 14th year of the Japan Da Zheng regime showed the collapse status of seven shop houses out of the 44 shop houses, and as per the law at that time, the collapsed seven shop houses were “modified” to comply with the “house construction” stipulated by the colonial government and existed with the remaining shop houses. By then, the colonial style of construction started to show up on the city street. “The modification/revision transformational chart of the 44 Shop Houses in the 14th year (1925) of the Japan Da Zhen Regime” has been constructed to elaborate on the influence and transformation of the urban colonial policy on the city street of the 44 Shop Houses and its restoring method. C. Demolishing/reconstructing period in the National Government phase (1945-1980) 4. With the “Wan Da Project” in 1973, Ha Mi Street (the middle carriageway of the original 44 Shop Houses) was broaden to be a road in 11-meter width from 430 cm originally built in the Ching Dynasty, and the first southern shop house in the 44 Shop House was removed. “The widening change chart of Ha Mi Street of the 44 Shop Houses in the National Government phase (1976)” has been constructed to elaborate on the reconstruction and transformation of the 44 Shop Houses, and its restoring method. 5. In 1994, the Lane 83 of Ha Mi Street was developed, so several shop houses in the north 22 and south 22 connected shop houses were dismantled and cut off. “The development transformation chart at the Lane 83 of Ha Mi Street of the 44 Shop Houses in the National Government phase (1994)” has been constructed to elaborate on the inefficiency and inappropriateness of the implementation of the urban project which illustrated the historic street area to be the sacrifice of the symbol of the city modernization and advancement, and highlighted the blind spot of the urban renewal policy in the post-war period.


1959 《椑海遊記》臺北:臺灣銀行經濟研究室。
