  • 學位論文


A study of the Right of Privacy in the information society — centering on the information privacy in Japan

指導教授 : 許慶雄


科技資訊處理之快速進步,對當前社會生活產生深遠的影響。人類歷史從狩獵社會、農業社會、工業社會轉變到現在的「資訊社會」。社會學家埃文•拖佛勒(Alvin Toffler)則將其與農業、工業革命相提並論,稱之為「第三波」,意指:「歷史上第三個震撼人心之變遷」,亦稱「資訊革命」,而「資訊社會」便應運形成。然而科技和資訊的發達,除了為人們帶來許多便利、效率與利潤外,相對的也為隱私權帶來了相當大的變化。如政府收集個人資訊、企業製作消費者名冊、加上長久以來媒體暴露私生活等都顯示出侵害隱私權的行為已不斷出現並擴展至各種領域。隨著隱私權範圍的擴大,過去以避免公開私事、入侵私生活的自由概念為中心的傳統隱私權概念便開始變的不明確,迫使其有必要進一步重新架構。而法學界為因應這樣的情況,也提出了許多有關保護隱私的相關學說。例如從傳統的「一個人獨處的權利」(the right to be let alone)逐漸發展為自我資訊控制權說(自己情報コントロール権説)等。而本論文就是希望能夠在這樣快速發展的資訊社會背景下,讓大家瞭解個人資訊受侵害問題的嚴重性,並深入體會個人在生活各層面所將面臨的課題。 而就內文結構來看,本論文之研究目的首先必須自釐清理論面著手。從隱私權的形成與發展過程,延伸到隱私權概念與相關學說理論的探討,並進而瞭解在資訊化社會潮流下,隱私權所發生的一連串進展與轉變。在奠定理論基礎後,便進入較為實際的制度層面,探討日本個人資訊保護法制的形成與發展現況。在此將加入相關判例研究,一方面可做為借鏡,一方面則鞏固理論基礎。也希望同時能藉由比較分析的結果,為台灣現有法規之妥當性,以及未來的改革方向提供若干見解與參考。


The rapid progress of information processing technology has greatly affected human lives. Human society has evolved from the hunting, agricultural, industrial society, into the present “information society”. Sociologist Alvin Toffler gave the information age another name “Third Wave”, placing it on a par with the First wave: invention of agriculture and the Second Wave: industrial revolution. The third wave, meaning the third earthshaking transformation in the human history, is also called information revolution. The revolution brings with it the information society. Advanced information technology, on one hand, plays the role of money-making medium, making our lives more efficient and convenient. However, it, on the other hand, results in the infringement of the right of privacy in many fields, such as governments collecting personal information, businesses making consumer directories and media disclosing people’s personal lives. Traditional privacy concerns center on preventing publication of one’s private facts and intrusion of one’s private affairs. But these traditional concepts are challenged in the information society and needed to be restructured. The Bar therefore puts forth various theories regarding privacy right protection. One of the traditional privacy concepts “the right to be let alone” gradually evolves into “the individual’s right to control the circulation of information relating to oneself.” This thesis is devoted to discuss the issues of personal information intrusion and what an individual may encounter regarding this issue in his daily life in such a fast-growing information society. In terms of the structure of the thesis, academic materials and theories are presented first, including the emergence and development of the privacy right, concepts and theories of the privacy right and its changes in this information society. The real-life system is discussed next, focusing on the establishment and development of Japan’s personal information privacy laws. I also add some related case research into this thesis for examples and confirmation of theories. More importantly, I hope the comparison and analysis of the privacy right discussed in this thesis would be beneficial in some respects for Taiwan’s privacy right legislation.


4. 許文義(2001)《個人資料保護法論》,台北:三民。
5. 李震山(2004)〈「電腦處理個人資料保護法」之回顧與前瞻〉,《國立中正大學法學集刊》,第14期,頁35-82。
4. 李仁淼(2003)〈網路內容規制立法之違憲審查與表現自由〉,《中正法學集刊》,第12期,頁35-144。
一 日文部份
1. 青柳幸一(1996)『個人の尊重と人間の尊厳』,東京:尚學社。


