  • 學位論文

中西方醫學對婦女產後之保健觀念的比較研究 - 對中藥醫學未來行銷發展的展望

The comparisons of the attitude toward Postpartum care between Taiwanese and Western Obstetrics - the marketing development of Chinese medicine

指導教授 : 黃國隆


本研究目的在探討及比較中西方醫學對於婦女產後身體調養的觀念。研究方法是採用深度訪談的方式,受訪對象主要分為三個族群,分別為:執業多年的中醫、西醫以及具經驗的的婦女。筆者親自面訪了這些受訪者,並以低結構性訪談指引與受訪者進行深入訪談,以收集研究對象的主觀經驗及專業的意見等資料;除此之外,再針對與本主題相關的期刊或是論文研究,作深入的內容分析,形成研究分析並完成資料的收集。 由研究結果發現,中西方醫學及傳統坐月子的習俗對婦女產後身體的保健及調養的觀念,經由資料整理與彙總分析,得到下列幾項重要研究結論,茲分別敘述如下: 一、 中西方醫學對婦女產後保健觀念的比較 中西方醫學對婦女產後保健的看法,可由下列三個方向來探討,其分別為:(一) 飲食方面 (二) 生活作息方面 (三) 心理健康方面。本研究結果顯示,在飲食方面,西方醫學沒有特殊的禁忌,只建議減少刺激性的食物,以防止傷口惡化。中醫及傳統習俗則對食物的攝取有另一番不同的見解及建議,其無非是希望多藉由食物來補強身體因生產而耗費的體力及精神。究竟何者有理,各方說法不一。這兩者主要是觀念上的差異,因為中醫強調的是養身和保健,而西醫講求對症下藥。但是目前台灣地區的婦產科醫師,大都默許產婦依照中醫及傳統習俗的觀念及做法,來折衷處理婦女產後的調養。因為大部分的產婦也都希望在坐月子期間能盡量依詢習俗的規範,或長輩所叮嚀的注意事項而行,以免影響將來身體的健康。 二、 個人衛生問題是中西醫學較具爭議性的觀點 因為中醫及傳統習俗強調不可碰冷水,不要洗頭泡澡,但是西方醫學希望產婦盡量維持個人良好的衛生習慣,以避免感染。這兩者在觀念的訴求不同,至今仍有爭議。 三、 中西方醫學對婦女產後心理健康之觀點的比較 中西方醫學對婦女產後的保健在觀念上有很大的差異,在心理健康方面,西方醫學對於心理疾病,歸因於身體某種器官的功能失調問題,例如生產使賀爾蒙產生變化,導致產後憂鬱的發生。而依據中醫的觀點,產後憂鬱產生的原因來自於產婦對未來處境的憂慮及身體變化所引發的情緒問題。但是因為台灣有坐月子的習俗,產婦在這段期間如能好好的休養,並得到家庭的支持,可以降低產婦心理上的壓力,及幫助體能的恢復。因此,依據統計,台灣婦女罹患憂鬱的病例較西方婦女來的低。 本研究的結果,可供臨床護理人員或是欲開發產後保健等相關產業之業者參考。


坐月子 生化湯 保健觀念


This study was to examine and compare the postpartum care between traditional and western medicine practices. A one-to-one interview was employed to collect data on personal experiences and professional opinions among practitioners in traditional medicine or western medicine and females with postpartum care experiences or professional knowledge. Three key points were summarized from qualitative analysis of interview data and the literature. 1. A Comparison of Postpartum Care Between Traditional and Western Medicine Practices Postpartum care in traditional and western medicine practices can be discussed on three areas of food, living style, and psychiatry. The results suggested that no limitations on food except spicy food were made for postpartum women in western medicine practice. Instead, traditional medicine practice considered food as one of major resources for energy recovering. Overall, traditional medicine practice in postpartum care focused on body nourishment and health care in general. Western medicine practice suggested that prescriptions be recommended when illness was identified. In Taiwan, most of practitioners in traditional or western medicines recommended the traditional nourishing care in the first month of postpartum for postpartum women as suggested in traditional medicine practice. Such a belief that nourishing care in the first month of postpartum would result in good health of postpartum women in the future has been rooted in the public opinion and practiced in the real life as well. 2. Personal Hygiene Issue in Traditional and Western Medicine Practices Traditional medicine practice suggested that postpartum women cannot touch cold water, take shower, neither wash hairs in the first month of postpartum. On the contrast, western medicine practice recommended good personal hygiene be important for postpartum women to prevent from infection. Whether postpartum women should take shower or/and wash hairs became controversial between traditional and western medicine practices due to different concerns. 3. Prevalence rates of Postpartum Depression in Traditional and Western Medicine Practice Western medicine practice considers postpartum depression as a result of dysfunctional organs e.g. hormone imbalance and recommends drug and psychiatric therapies. Traditional medicine practice views postpartum depression as an emotional symptom due to anxiety for the future and body change. It is noted that postpartum depression seems less prevalent among those postpartum women with the traditional nourishing care in the first month of postpartum. Traditional postpartum care provides a good reason for postpartum women to relax and receive better family support which can reduce their postpartum pressure and help body recovery. The study findings can be useful for nursing care clinicians and those relevant industries.


曾英芬、陳彰惠、王惠珍、蔡秋月(1994)•比較在家中與做月子中心婦女的產後適應•高雄醫學科學雜誌,10 , 458-468。
賴曉萱(2002)•夏天談食補•東海大學圖書館館訊,10•取自http://www.lib.thu.edu.tw/ lidato/10-200207/lib10-6-2.htm


