  • 學位論文


An Evaluation Study of Management Development Program for Senior Civil Servants of Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃一峰




核心能力 訓練 高級文官 評估


It can improve the quality of manpower in an enterprise, make continuous growth for employees, and promote the performance and competitiveness for organization by employee training. So, recently, our government starts thinking highly of the training program and it’s assessment for Senior Civil Servants (SCS). Based on Kirkpatrick’s evaluation models, this study was carried out by in-depth interview in order to find out the improvement of training. The performance of training will be effected by three dimensions: trainee characteristics, design of training, and working environment, which are the independence variables in this research, whereas the dependence ones are management capability, human skills and personal capability named dimension of behavioral level. The core competencies of the SCS in our country are managerial ability, interpersonal ability and personal ability including 14 key factors. The training programs designed by government try to improve and develop the core competencies of SCS to achieve organizational goal, while most of servants care more about the promotion in office for themselves when participating training. The motivations of individuals and government may (can) be completely different, and therefore, the destination of effective training program should combine both of them. The findings of this thesis are as follows: 1.Training content with more professional but general courses. 2.Training design with both theories and practices for training translation. 3.Supported by boss and colleague making trainee more effort.


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