  • 學位論文


Research of the Strategic Alliance of Senior High Schools and Senior Vocational High Schools in Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung Areas.

指導教授 : 楊朝祥


本研究旨在瞭解高屏地區高中、高職實施策略聯盟之現況;探討高中職策略聯盟實施方式、困難、限制及配套措施。進而開拓教育資源以提昇教學品質。首先對策略聯盟之相關文獻進行回顧,並製成問卷依學校教師不同背景變項分析探討。主要分成兩大部份:一為高中職目前策略聯盟的情形;二為高中職不同類型的學校、教師對實施策略聯盟意見與實施方式之差異情形的比較、探討。 一、高中職實施策略聯盟之現況分析結果如下: (一)目前學校實施策略聯盟在之型式:最多的為資源交流與互補及課程與教學的合作,較少的是家長相互協助與支援。 (二)學校形成策略聯盟之動機:最多的為「取得豐富的資源」、「強化學校組織的創新和成長的動力」及「獲取更多的教學支援及可供選擇的教學環境」,較少的是吸引更多的學生及家長的關注。 (三)學校策略聯盟選擇夥伴的標準:最多的為「雙方資源能互補的學校」及「理念契合的學校」。最低的是「有相互競爭的學校」。 (四)學校策略盟成功的要素:最多的為「充份的資源分享與流通」、其次分別為「建立良好的學校關係」及「行政與教學的配合與合作關係的良好」。 (五)適當的策略聯盟類型:最多的為「校園資源共享:共同使用各校園的教學設備,如圖書館的圖資」,其次為「學術研究合作型:學校有學術研究之交流,如教師研習活動」及「課程教合作型」。 (六)在策略聯盟最喜歡合作的對象:最喜歡為「大專院校」,最沒意願的則是「國民中小學」。 二、經ANOVA分析高中職不同類型學校、教師對實施策略聯盟之意見與方式結果如下: (一)從學校屬性、學校類型、目前擔任職務、教學年資、最高工作年資及學校班級數來看,無論是在策略聯盟所獲得的優勢或策略聯盟的滿意度或執行的困難度或策略聯盟的意願上,幾乎是沒有什麼差異的存在。 (二)少數有差異的發生在私立高職對策略聯盟的滿意度明顯高於公立職校。 三、在高中職實施策略聯盟之優勢、滿意度、困難、限制及配套措施分析結果如下: (一)從「策略聯盟可獲得的優勢」這個構面來看,表示所有學校均肯定策略聯盟對學校的確是有加分的效果,但並不認為策略聯盟對國際化有太大的幫助。 (二)從「實施策略聯盟滿意度」構面來看,大家對高中職實施策略聯盟滿意度偏低,實施不夠落實,實施之內容較空乏,成效發揮有限。 (三)在「策略聯盟所遭遇的困難度」構面上,尤其高中在升學的壓力下,策略聯盟實施空間被壓縮,並沒有高職的多樣。學校地域上之距離也是策略聯盟所遭遇的困難度。 (四)在「策略聯盟的配套措施上」,顯然聯盟夥伴對所設定各項配套,各校之實施都能讓人感到滿意。 (五)在策略聯盟執行困難度上,一般大學學歷的老師認為明顯比具研究所學歷要困難。


策略聯盟 高中職


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of the strategic alliance of senior high schools and senior vocational high schools in Kaohsiung and Ping-Dong areas, and then to explore the various alliance execution ways, obstacles, restrains and package programs of those schools. This research started from the review of the related documents, followed by questionnaire design and analysis. The variable factors of the questionnaire were based on teachers’ different backgrounds. This study was divided into two parts: the first was the current status of strategic alliance of senior high schools and senior vocational high schools, and the second part was the comparison and analysis on the opinions coming from different types of schools and teachers, about the strategic alliance and its execution means. 1.The current status of strategic alliance of senior high schools and senior vocational high schools were as following, (1)The means of strategic alliance: The most common way was educational resources exchange and the cooperation on complimentary courses. Mutual assistance and support of students’ parents’ were relatively unusual. (2)The motives of strategic alliance: Many of them were to fully share the resources, to motivate the innovation and the growth of schools, to increase bilateral supports and the diversity of educational environment. Attraction of parents’ and students’ attention was less concerned. (3)The criteria for choosing strategic alliance partners: Many schools choose their partners on account of the complimentary resources and matching philosophy, and not tend to choose the competing schools. (4)The key factors of the success to strategic alliance: The most popular factor was fully sharing of the resources, followed by establishment of good relationships between schools, and cooperation of administrative organizations. (5)The most suitable types of strategic alliance: The first was resources sharing, to make use of school facilities such as libraries. The second was the cooperation on academic research, building communication such as seminar for teachers, and the third comed to courses sharing. (6)The school types favoring strategic alliance: The schools most willing to execute strategic alliance were colleges, and the least were the junior high schools and elementary schools. 2.After the ANOVA analysis on different types of schools’ and teachers’ opinions about the strategic alliance, the results were as following: (1)From surveying different attributes and types of schools, plus various backgrounds and positions of teachers, the result showed little difference neither on the advantages and execution obstacles of strategic alliance, nor on the satisfaction level and willingness for it. (2)There were some differences occurred. One was that the private schools had higher level of satisfaction compared to public schools. 3.The analyses on advantages, satisfaction level, obstacles, restrains and package programs of strategic alliance were listed below: (1)From the point of benefits of strategic alliance, all schools confirmed that it had positive effects but did not facilitate internationalization. (2)From the point of satisfaction level for strategic alliance, people had low satisfaction because of the lack of execution, the vague content, and the limitation of the results. (3)From the point of obstacles of strategic alliance, under higher pressure of entry exam for advanced study, senior high schools had limited measures of strategic alliance compared to senior vocational high schools. Besides, the distance between partner schools was also an obstacle for strategic alliance. (4)From the point of package programs for strategic alliance, it was evident that people were satisfied with the planning and execution of the package programs. (5)From the point of the difficulties of strategic alliance execution, most teachers with college degreed consider it difficult when compared to those with master degree.


