  • 學位論文


The Effect of Knowledge map on the Performance of Information Security Awareness

指導教授 : 蕭瑞祥


隨著網際網路地普遍與恐怖事件的活躍,資訊安全議題逐漸受到企業與政府機構的重視與關注。然而,根據Datapro Research Corporation的資安調查,約50%資安事件是由人為失誤所造成。因此資訊安全認知(Information Security Awareness)是非常基本且重要的,如果沒有先讓人員對資訊安全有基本的了解,花再多的金錢或資源架設資安軟硬體,都無法提升資訊安全性的。 許多研究指出知識地圖之運用對於學習與認知概念形成有其效益,本研究透過文獻蒐集、整理、分析的方式探討以知識地圖作為資安認知教材設計工具之步驟與方法,並以電子郵件資安認知教材為例,實際建構以知識地圖為基礎之教材結構,並探討此知識地圖之資訊安全認知教材架構對資安學習之效益,期望能發展更有效益之資訊安全教材設計方法。


In recent years, the rapid progress in internet dues to huge losses of organizations and enterprises. Therefore, the development of information security is becoming an important issue. According to the research of information security that personal careless mistake leads to almost 50% of information security event. Hence, the information security awareness is very important. The invests in hardware and software cannot improve the information security without improving the personal information security awareness. It points out that knowledge map is useful for learning and the concept of awareness. The research is expected to find the benefit of information security awareness material designed by knowledge map. Otherwise, in order reduce the ratio of information security event and raise the personal information security awareness; we expect to find the best approach to design information security awareness materials.


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