  • 學位論文


Research on the status quo and dilemma of life education implementation of Catholic Kindergardens in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蓋浙生


本研究旨在瞭解台灣地區天主教幼稚園如何實施進行生命教育,及推動生命教育課程時所碰到的困難點,其主要目的有: 一、探討幼稚園生命教育之內涵。 二、了解天主教與非天主教不同背景幼稚園之園長及教師對實施生命教育的理念與看法。 三、探討天主教與非天主教不同背景幼稚園之園長及教師在實施生命教育現況的差異性。 四、探討台灣地區天主教幼稚園園長及教師對實施生命教育所遭遇的困境與因應之道。 研究者根據文獻分析,以問卷調查法,就台灣地區天主教所屬幼稚園175所,及以台北縣非天主教私立幼稚園155所之園長與老師,為研究對象,取得實際有效樣本為425位。以自編之「台灣地區天主教幼稚園生命教育實施現況與困境之調查問卷」為研究工具,將調查資料分別以平均數、標準差、T考驗、單因子變異數等統計分析後獲得以下之結論: 一、幼稚園園長與教師個人之背景變項影響生命教育之實施與推動。 二、天主教幼稚園生命教育之實施需有完整之課程規劃。 三、天主教幼稚園大多數有實施生命教育,園長與教師肯定園方在推動生命教育之成效。 四、在實施生命教育的相關教學活動中,「繪本」是幼稚園教師所選擇的優先教學法。 五、教師在實施生命教育課程的內涵取向中較常實施的部分是「健康教育取向」,而其中認為困難度最高的是「生死教育取向」。 六、天主教幼稚園在生命教育實施中結合宗教信仰之教義與儀式,對非天主教信仰之園長與教師在實施上有困難。 根據上述研究結果,為生命教育實務工作者提出建議: 一、建立園長與教師生命教育研習進修制度與配套措施。 二、成立「天主教幼稚園生命教育推廣委員會」。 三、各幼稚園應成立生命教育課程研討小組,研發設計活動課程,或聯合聘請專家學者帶領,解決在教學所碰到的困難。 四、對於在天主教幼稚園任職且熱忱投入生命教育的非天主教信仰教師,應積極鼓勵並給予培訓養成,使能順利推動生命教育之工作。


The main thesis of this research is to understand how the life education is implemented at Taiwan Catholic kindergartens, and what dilemmas are encountered for pushing life education programs. The key purposes are as follows: 1. to explore the meaning of life education of kindergartens 2. to undertand the perspectives and ideas of those kindergartens’ principals and teachers with catholic background and of those with non-catholic backgraound in regard to the implementation of life education 3. to explore the differences of life education implementation by those kindergartens’ principals and teachers with catholic gackground and by those with non-catholic background 4. to explore those dilemmas encountered by Catholic kindergarten principals and teachers and their solutions while implementing life education in Taiwan The researcher based on analyses of documented reference has resorted to questionnaire investigation, and targeted on the 175 affiliated kindergartens affiliated to the Catholic diocese as well as the principals and teachers of 155 non-catholic kindergartens in Taipei County as its research subjects, and a total of 425 valid samples are obtained. The author has used the self-composed “current status and dilemma investigation questionnaire regarding life education in Catholic kindergartens in Taiwan area” as its tool of research, and the following conclusions are obtained with its information investigated as being analyzed by statistic tools as average, standard deviation of error, T-test, and single factor variance: 1. the background variable of kindergarten principal and teachers would affect the implementation and facilitation of life education 2. a complete program planning required for the implementation of life education 3. the majority of catholic kindergartens implement life education, in which the outcomes of kindergartens driven by such education have been recognized by principals and teachers 4. During the relevant teaching process implementing life education, “illustration” is of the prioritized choice that kindergarten teachers would prefer to use 5. when the teachers are implementing the content of life education curriculum, the most often employed approach is of the health orientation, while the approach of life and death orientation is considered the most difficult part. 6. For the implementation of life education in catholic kindergartens, it is quite difficult for non-catholic principal and teachers to integrate the religious doctrine and rituals of the catholic belief. Upon the above-mentioned results, several suggestions are put forth for workers with life education: 1. set up seminar education and compatible measures on life education for principal and teachers 2. establish life education promotion committee for catholic kindergarten 3. each kindergarten should set up study group for life education curriculum, research and design activity program, or jointly hire scholars and experts for guidance so as to resolve problem encountered during teaching 4. For non-catholic teachers who work in catholic kindergarten and are devoted to work of life education, the kindergarten should actively encourage and train them so as to facilitate the work of life education




