  • 學位論文

兩岸高中國語文教科書編制與政治意識形態選課研究 ──以龍騰版與人教版為例

The Structure and Ideology of Hign-school Chinese Textbooks across the Strait--Take PEP Edition and Longteng Edtion for Example

指導教授 : 陳仕華


語文是我們溝通思想、表情達意的工具,而近年來中華、日本等地,均流傳國人語文能力低落之說,於是深究語文教育之目標、語文教材之內容,實在是刻不容緩之事。 本研究欲藉由兩岸高中國語文教科書之文獻整理,針對教科書之架構與內容,進行通盤而整體的比較與分析,進而探討教科書編制之得失及其選文背後所蘊藏的思想內涵、理論與實務的結合;具體言之,即從教科書之架構論與政治意識形態切入,由兩岸高中國語文教育的法規制度與編輯目標的整理、兩岸教材的選文內容與編排方式的分析與語文教材的探討中,理出有關政治意識、族群文化意識形態等相關議題,進行比較與研究。 明辨兩岸國語文選文的異同,並括出兩岸國語文教科書的差異處。期能為華人之高中語文教育提供建言,亦為教科書研究之後繼者參考,俾使未來國語文教科書的設計更具意義,亦即消弭傳統教科書之失,並針對國語文教科書編制與選課的重點介紹與比較兩版教科書的異同,為教科書的編制與選課盡一份心力。 本研究所整理的文獻平台不只將兩岸的政治特質課文分類,以供相互對照,也由文化思想方面的內涵,比較分析其選文的方向。而本研究所建立的資料內容,從朝代、作者、文體到內容屬性等盡皆網羅,若將來有後進者欲深入探討,則按圖索驥,善用本研究所提供的資源,定可事半功倍。


Language is a tool to communicate and express feelings. Recently it is said that language ability of local people has become low in China, Taiwan and Japan…, etc.; therefore it is an urgent thing to study language educational goals and language materials. In the thesis I want to make a through and general comparison and analysis of the organization and content in the textbooks by examining high school textbooks across the strait in order to discuss the strength and drawbacks of textbook organization, the concepts as well as connotation underlying the selected texts and the match degree of the practicability and theory. More specifically, I will find related topics about political and ethnic cultural ideology, then study and compare them by means of listing the instructional goal and course standard, analyzing the way to select texts and organize the textbook across the strait. I try to find the same and different way how educational institution across the strait select the texts and compare the difference of textbooks in order to provide some suggestions about high school language education, offer reference for other researchers and make Chinese textbook design more meaningful. In other words, I want to contribute myself to eliminate problems of traditional textbook and offer my service for textbook organization and material choice by introducing and comparing the similarities and differences of the structure and organization in two editions. Materials in this thesis not only include arrangement of texts according to political features, but also include the connotation of culture, so that we can contrast, compare and analyze the orientation of text choice. The materials contain time (dynasty), writer, genre and content features. If anyone wants to make further research, it can save much time to make use of the materials provided in this thesis.


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