  • 學位論文


Impact of“Scientific Concept of Development” upon National Defence and Military Construction of Communist China

指導教授 : 潘錫堂
共同指導教授 : 龔春生


自1949年中共建政使得兩岸分治迄今近六十年,中共在歷經過了三代領導人統治,尤其自鄧小平主政時期倡議改革開放以來的卅年間,從20世紀進入到21世紀的時光跨越,權力遞嬗至以胡錦濤為首的第四代領導班子,已非昔日鎖國封閉的中共了。而中共當前正在大力推行著胡錦濤所力倡的科學發展觀,他在中共的地位已可和毛澤東、鄧小平、江澤民等前三代領導人相提並論,也進一步顯示出胡錦濤的思想理論,受到黨、政、軍的一致擁護而儼然成形。 胡也明確指出「要把科學發展觀作為加強國防和軍隊的重要指導方針」,中共解放軍服膺「黨指揮槍」的原則下,正如火如荼的展開學習與實踐科學發展觀的運動,將思想政治建設擺在第一位。目前國內外以中共「科學發展觀」理論做為研究主題之文獻尚少,因此筆者嚐試藉由本文深入探討研究後,使能進一步理解中共國防變革的實踐及中共解放軍的發展現況及未來目標動向,並評估其軍力的變化,對國際、亞太地區及台海局勢將產生如何之影響。本文研究主要以中共「科學發展觀」理論基礎與內涵、中共「科學發展觀」對其國防和軍隊建設之影響、中共追求富國與強軍統一之未來發展等為重點。 目前中共解放軍現代化建設尚未完成,同時又面臨信息化挑戰的特殊發展階段,距達世界先進水準,未來將以確保發展經濟建設為藉口而大肆的投入經費於國防和軍隊建設,以達成其富國強軍的目的。然中共存在著如一黨專政、三農問題、教育問題、貧富差距大、貪腐、環境惡劣等之實質問題,更是圍繞著胡錦濤所推動的「科學發展觀」成敗的關鍵性問題,這些問題雖非一觸即發,然而若未能妥善正視與解決,卻絕對是形成中共未來發展的最大隱憂!


Built together the policy to make two sides divide and rule so far for nearly 60 years from 1949, the Communist Party of China was going through the leaders of three generations to rule, among thirty years especially since Deng Xiaoping headed the administration period proposed reform and opening-up, entered the time in the 21st century to cross over from the 20th century, power passed Shang to the fourth generation of leading group headed by Hu Jintao, had not locked close the Communist Party of China of the country in the past yet. And the Communist Party of China is pursuing the scientific development view that Hu Jintao strives vigorously to advocate in a more cost-effective manner at present, his position in the Communist Party of China can already be mentioned in the same breath to former leaders of three generations such as Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, further demonstrate Hu Jintao's thought theory too, receive the supporting unanimously but taking shape solemnly of the party, policy, army. Hu points out ' regard the scientific development view as strengthening the important guilding principle of national defence and army ' clearly too, the Communist Party of China liberates under the principle of the military uniform breast ' the party commands rifles ', studies and practises the sports of the scientific development view in expansion like a raging fire, put the ideology and politics construction in the primary importance. Regard theory of the Communist Party of China ' scientific development view ' as the literature which studies the theme to still lack both at home and abroad at present, so after the author tries to probe into research thoroughly with this text, ty of China can further understand development present situation and goal tendency in the future of practice that the Communist Party of China's national defence improves and the PLA man of the Communist Party of China c to make, assess change of military strength its, to world, Asian-Pacific area and Taiwan Straits how about 's influence situation produce. This text studies with theoretical foundation and intension of the Communist Party of China ' scientific development view ' mainly, the Communist Party of China ' scientific development view ' pursue rich country and strengthen the army unified future development,etc. for focal point to national defence and influence, the Communist Party of China of army building their. The modernization of the Communist Party of China PLA has not been finished yet at present, the special developing stage that while face information-based challenge, before reaching the advanced international standards, will regard guaranteeing to develop economic construction as the input funds without restraint of the excuse in national defence and army building in the future, in order to reach the purpose that its rich country strengthens the army. But such as the substantive issue great, abominable in corruption and degeneration, environment in dictatorship, 'Three Rural' Issues, educational problem, gap between rich and poor of a party exists in the Communist Party of China, it is around the key question of the success or failure of ' scientific development view ' that Hu Jintao promotes even more, although these questions may be triggered at any moment, but like failing to face properly and settlement, but absolutely form the greatest secret worry of the Communist Party of China's future development!


21.鄭海麟,「科學發展觀之我見」,海峽評論(台北), 2008年3月,頁32。
2.Kagan, Robert,Of Paradise and Power:America and Europe in the New World Order(New York:Alfred A. Knopf, 2003);Ron Suskind, The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House,and the Education of Paul O'Neill(New York:Simon & Schuster, 2004)。
1.James Adams著,張志誠譯,下一次世界大戰(The Next World War: Computers are the Weapons And the Front Line is Everywhere)(台北:新新聞文化出版社,民88年5月)。
