  • 學位論文

壽險業務人員教育訓練與業務績效關聯性之研究 –以C壽險公司為例

The Relationship between Life Insurance Agents’ Productivity and Training Effectiveness -- Case Study of a Life Insurance Company in Taiwan

指導教授 : 郝充仁 李雅婷


論文名稱:壽險業務人員教育訓練與業務績效關聯性之研究–以C壽險公司為例 頁數:106 校系(所)組別:淡江大學保險學系保險經營碩士在職專班 畢業時間及提要別:97學年度第1學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:林志權 指導教授:郝充仁 博士;李雅婷 博士 論文摘要內容: 本研究目的在於試圖探究壽險業務人員之個人自我效能感,及工作情境中的社會支持知覺、訓練學習成效與工作業務績效間的關連性。本研究以C壽險公司之壽險業務人員為研究對象,共發出350分研究問卷,回收319份,回收率為91.1%,經檢核研究問卷後,扣除無效問卷共26份,最後有效問卷為291份,其有效問卷回收率83.7%。本研究針對收集資料,以SPSS for Windows 12.0 套裝軟體進行描述統計、信度分析、t-test差異檢定、單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)、Scheffe事後比較以及Pearson積差相關等統計方法進行資料分析。研究結果主要發現: (1) 性別、教育水準、年齡及在C壽險公司的工作年資等變項,在教育訓練成效上的顯著差異性是完全獲得支持。 (2) 壽險業務人員之自我效能感與教育訓練成效有顯著的正相關。 (3) 壽險業務人員之社會支持知覺與教育訓練成效有顯著的正相關。 (4) 壽險業務人員之自我效能感與業務績效並無顯著相關。 (5) 壽險業務人員之社會支持知覺,僅有同儕支持與業務績效有顯著正相關。 本研究結果除說明壽險業務人員之自我效能感、社會支持知覺與其教育訓練成效有正向關係外,本研究亦針對自我效能感、教育訓練成效與主管支持等變項無法與業務績效表現達顯著相關的可能原因進行討論。最後則依據研究結果提供後續學術本研究與壽險實務工作者之建議。 關鍵字:壽險業務員;自我效能感;社會支持知覺;教育訓練;業務績效


Title of Thesis:The Relationship between Life Insurance Agents’ Productivity and Training Effectiveness -- Case Study of a Life Insurance Company in Taiwan Total pages:106 Key word:life insurance agent ; self-efficacy ; social support ; training ; sales performance Name of Institute:Tamkang University,Master’s Program in Insurance Management Graduate date:January,2009 Degree conferred:Master Name of student:Lin,Chih-Chuan Advisor:Doctor Hao,Chung-Jen;Doctor Li,Ya-Ting 林志權 郝充仁 博士 李雅婷 博士 Abstract: The main purpose of this study lies in the relation of self-efficacy, social support, training and performance of life insurance agents. This study focused on life insurance agents of C Life Insurance Company. 350 copies of questionnaires were sent, among which 319 copies were collected, with response rate of 91.1%. After examination, 26 copies were excluded, ending up with 291 copies valid. The validity ratio is 83.7%. The method of the analysis included descriptive statistics, t-test , ANOVA analysis, Scheffe and Pearson correlation methods. The results of the study are as below: 1. Gender, educational status, age and seniority show significant difference in training results. 2. There are positive correlation between self-efficacy and training results. 3. There are significant correlation between life insurance agents’ social support and training results. 4. The correlation between self-efficacy and sales performance is not significant. 5. Social support is not correlated to sales performance, except for peer support. From the results of this study we find the positive correlation of training results, self-efficacy and social support of life insurance agents Meanwhile, we try to explain the reasons why they are not significantly correlated to sales performance.Finally, based on the findings, suggestions are offered for academic and practice for reference.


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