  • 學位論文

永續校園水資源再生之設計與效益研究 -以台北縣國小為例-

A study on the Sustainable campus of renewable water resources of the design and effectiveness: Elementary Schools in Taipei County

指導教授 : 王文安


隨著全球氣候異常與經濟成長,水資源的供給與需求失衡越來越嚴重,因此以永續經營之概念改善水資源環境是重要的議題。校園為推動永續改造潛力佳之基地,自「永續校園」推廣計畫從2002年至至今,已改善多所學校之水資源環境,當中有成功與待修正之案例,因此本研究目的在探討與建構校園環境與再生水資源設計之關係,以永續經營觀點分析規劃設計。 本研究以永續校園台北縣國小為例,取目前已改善水資源再生為研究之對象。透過永續經營校園水資源再生之文獻回顧,彙整各系統之設計要領並與樣本交互研究;藉由田野調查之實地訪談與記錄,先以質性之分析探討各樣本的情況與問題並提出改善建議,再以量化之評估公式了解實質之使用效益。 研究結論之方向歸納為以下三點:一、水資源再生系統類型之設計考量:依照基地四周環境之條件,提出水資源改善之策略;二、水資源再生之設計空間層級與建議:分別以空間系統設計、流程系統設計、細節設計三部份做詳實之建議;三、樣本使用效益評估:目前主要為教學示範為主,建議透過分次逐漸改善之規劃,以提升為生活面之取代利用。


Due to the unusual global climate and economic growth, the imbalance between demand and supply of water resources is becoming severe. Campuses are potential sites for this project, which are called Sustainable Campus Projects. Therefore, improving the water resources environment by the concept of sustainable management is an important issue. Since 2002, Sustainable Campus Projects have improved the water environment of several campuses. There are successful and revisable cases. Consequently, the purpose of the research is to examine the relationship between the campus environment and the design of the renewable water resources and to analyze the design by views of sustainable management. In this research, Sustainable Campus Projects target elementary schools in Taipei County. In some elementary school campuses, the water resources of some campuses have already been improved. After reviewing documents of sustainable water sources about Sustainable Campus Projects, arranging design strategies of each system comparable to other similar research, interviews and records about fieldwork allows these cases first to be examined, in order to address sample problems through qualitative analysis, bringing about improvements. In addition, the actual efficiency is examined by the quantitative evaluation formula. Research conclusions are inducted through the fowling three points: 1. Design about types of renewable water resources systems: according conditions of environment about sites, designers can bring up plans of water resources improvement. 2. Scaling and design recommendations about renewable water resources: there are detailed and practical recommendations in space system design, flow system design and detail design. 3. The efficiency evaluation of samples in usage: the main purpose of samples is as demonstration, it is recommended that it can be increasingly improved; and further, it can be elevated to aspect of daily life.


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