  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between the Implementation of Learning Organization at a Military Unit and Professional Competencies of Military Personnel

指導教授 : 鈕方頤


本研究以問卷調查法進行軍事機關導入學習型組織與國軍人員專業知能關係之研究,主要工具為「軍事機關導入學習型組織與國軍人員專業知能關係之研究調查問卷」,包括背景變項、學習型組織量表、專業知能量表等三部份,取樣範圍為國軍軍事機關D單位,取樣人員為校級、尉級、士官及聘、雇人員,計600人;回收份數534份,有效份數503份,可用率為83%。 在問卷統計方面,以敘述性統計、信度分析、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及多元逐步迴歸等方法進行資料分析。區分結論與建議: 壹、結論: 一、軍事機關已具備學習型組織雛型階段,並以系統思考的層面得分最高。 二、不同性別、職務、單位的國軍人員所知覺的學習型組織層面均以系統思考情形較佳。 三、不同學歷、階級的國軍人員對學習型組織各層面的知覺均達非常顯著差異。 四、軍事機關具備良好的國軍人員專業知能現況,並以專業技能層面最佳。 五、不同性別及單位所知覺的專業知能在專業倫理與態度及促進組織發展兩層面有顯著差異存在。 六、不同學歷、階級的國軍人員對專業知能各層面的知覺均未達顯著差異。 七、學習型組織各層面對專業知能各層面具有顯著的預測力,且關連趨於正向。 八、軍事機關對於學習型組織與專業知能各層面現況,對於個人需求方面均偏低。 貳、建議: 一、對軍事機關的建議 (一)定期舉辦有關營造學習型組織及專業知能之教育訓練與研習活動。 (二)透過一級輔導一級的指導與協助,成立學習型組織輔導機制。 (三)制定客觀而合宜的評核制度,延續學習型組織持續發展。 (四)建立以專長為主的進修管道,並因應個人需求提供相關資訊。 二、對軍事機關所屬單位的建議 (一)落實單位本位發展,帶動團隊學習風氣,增進國軍人員專業知能。 (二)考量單位及個人需求規劃教育訓練機制,並建立資源共享機制。 (三)成立行動研究小組,凝聚團隊學習功能,促進學習型組織發展。 三、對國軍人員的建議 (一)鼓勵國軍人員依正常管道自我學習,增加與單位、同仁互動學習機會 (二)培養自我學習能力,提升國軍人員專業素養與第二專長 四、對未來研究的建議 (一)在研究方法方面: 本研究以問卷調查法為主,未來可依各軍種特性或針對個別情形分析,如:實地觀察紀錄、主管職訪談等方法,及新增志願役士兵為調查對象,蒐集更深入的資料。 (二)在研究內容方面: 可研究建構一套具體可行的評鑑規準,將學習型組織各層面之特質實際運用至各類型團體與企業組織,提升研究的實用性與價值性。


This study explores the relationship between the implementation of learning organization at a military unit and military personnel’s professional competencies. Survey research method was applied. The questionnaire included three parts: Background information, the learning organization scale and the professional competencies scale. A total of 600 questionnaires were distributed to military staffs of different ranks in Military Unit D, 534 questionnaires were returned, of which 503 were considered valid, reaching an effective response rate of 83%. Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple stepwise regression. The main research findings are as follows: 1.The military unit has some of the qualities of a learning organization with the highest score in systems thinking. 2.Military personnel of different gender, position and office perceive learning organization as best reflected in systems thinking. 3.There are significant differences in military personnel of different educational background and rank in terms of their perception of different aspects of learning organization. 4.The military unit has sound professional competency with the highest score in professional skills. 5.There are significant differences in military personnel of different gender and office in terms of their perception of professional ethics and attitude and the advancement of organizational development. 6.There are no significant differences in military personnel of different educational background and rank in terms of their perception of all aspects of professional competencies. 7.Learning organization has significant predictive power for professional competencies. 8.Low scores are reflected on learning organization and professional competency aspects that reflect personal needs. This study provides the following suggestions: A.Suggestions to the military 1.Hold periodic educational training activities to build up a learning organization and enhance professional competencies. 2.Set up a mentor system to guide and assist the establishment of a learning organization. 3.Establish objective and suitable evaluation systems to ensure the development of a learning organization. B.Suggestions to the military units 1.Implement unit-based development to encourage learning and enhance professional competency. 2.Design educational training based on office and staff needs and promote resource sharing. 3.Establish an action research team to promote the development of a learning organization. C.Suggestions to the military personnel 1.Encourage military personnel to pursue self-learning and increase interaction and learning opportunities with different offices and staffs. 2.Develop self-learning ability and enhance military personnel’s professionalism and multiple expertise. D.Suggestions for future research 1.Research methods such as field observations and interviews may be applied. Also, volunteer soldiers may be used as research subjects. 2.Build evaluation criteria and apply different aspects of learning organization to different groups and organizations, so as to increase the practicality and value of research.




