  • 學位論文


Strategies for Reducing the Digital Divide between Elementary and Middle School Students

指導教授 : 鄭宜佳


數位科技時代的來臨,藉由網際網路以及傳播媒體,人們得以大量且快速的獲取資訊,但也因資源分配不均及個人背景因素導致數位落差的現象日益嚴重。形成數位落差的成因還包含環境背景、經濟狀況、以及軟硬體近用的能力。本研究先以文獻探討的方式進行國民中小學弱勢學生數位落差之成因探究及現況分析,並透過問卷調查法針對目前國民中小學弱勢學生的數位學習現況進行需求評估。 針對弱勢學生數位學習之現況與需求,為培養其資訊素養及資訊近用之能力,本研究再依據問卷分析之結果,規劃並實施「國民中小學弱勢學生數位學習落差改善方案」。此方案以淡水鎮之正德國中與鄧公國小為合作學校,其執行方式以國文科為主要實施科目,並運用資訊科技融入教學的教學模式為教學方向。除此之外,另外針對提升國民中小學弱勢學生之資訊素養進行特定的資訊課程。 本研究結果歸納出以下兩部分: 一、在台北縣及桃園縣弱勢學生發生數位落差狀況之主因歸納出以下三點: 1.家庭經濟是影響國民中小學弱勢學生資訊科技近用的主要原因。 2.雖已有過使用電腦與網路的經驗,但對電腦基本操作與網路應用能力仍不足。 3.學校政策、教師態度與學校位置均會影響學生的資訊應用能力。 二、執行本研究之行動方案能有效改善發生數位落差之弱勢學生的學習現況。 1.學生所具有的資訊能力基礎會影響教師進行資訊科技融入教學的成效,而學生的資訊能力培養,也關係著教師實施資訊融入教學是否成功的重要因素。 2.國民中學及小學之學生在接受本研究所提出之行動方案課程後,對於其所規劃及實施資訊融入教學的課程態度均是抱持著正向肯定的,且在學習自我效能的部分大致上亦均有所提升。 本研究依據研究結果,提出以下幾點建議: 一、學校應建置完善的軟硬體設備,並妥善管理及更新。各校之學科教育均應設置完善的軟硬體設備,以建立良好的資訊環境。 二、鼓勵教師運用資訊融入教學的方式進行教學。建議教師在教學的過程中善用資訊融入教學,並鼓勵教師在教學過程中選用適切的資訊融入教學的方式作為其數位資源,以提升國民中小學弱勢學生利用數位教材的學習意願。 三、加強國民中小學弱勢學生電腦基本操作與網路應用之能力。徹底落實國民中小學弱勢學生基本資訊技能的教學,培養其資訊運用之能力,使其得以妥善將資訊科技工具應用在各科及各領域的學習之中。


With the proliferation of digital technology, people can rapidly acquire a great deal of information by accessing the Internet and various media. However, due to individual backgrounds and the unequal distribution of resources, the digital divide has become a critical issue. This study focuses on the digital divide between disadvantaged students in elementary and middle schools. After conducting a literature review to analyze the current situation and the causes of the digital divide, we proceeded with a needs assessment. From the results of the needs assessment, we implemented strategies for reducing the digital divide in Jheng De Junior High School and Deng Kong Elementary School. The strategies were to implement information technology into the teaching of Chinese classes and deliver technology literacy courses. The results of this study were as follows: 1.In Taipei County and Taoyuan County, the causes of digital divide among disadvantaged students were due to the following reasons: (1)Economy is the primary cause that affected the access of information technology among disadvantaged students in elementary and middle schools. (2)Although students had experiences using computers and the Internet, the basic knowledge of operating computer applications and network were still insufficient. (3)School policies, teacher’s attitude and school location all affected students’ abilities to appropriately apply information technology. 2.Implementation of the strategies effectively improved the digital divide among disadvantaged students. (1)The information literacy which the students possessed influenced the effectiveness of the integration of information technology into teaching. The training of information literacy was the key point to determine whether technology integration would succeed or not. (2)Students held positive attitudes toward technology integration, and their self efficacy also improved. Based on the results of the study, we proposed the following recommendations: 1.Fully equipped hardware and software should be properly supplied and managed in schools. Schools should be provided with sufficient software and hardware to establish a technology-friendly environment. 2.Teachers should be encouraged to incorporate technology into teaching. Technology integration helps to improve the attitudes of disadvantaged students. 3.Equip the disadvantaged students with the ability of operating basic computer programs and using the Internet. That way, students can properly apply information technology in learning various subjects.


