  • 學位論文


Putin's Russia and The Enlarged NATO: Competition, Cooperation and Development

指導教授 : 郭秋慶


蘇聯共產政權的崩解,不僅結束冷戰時期美蘇兩極對抗,亦造成歐洲地緣政治的大洗牌。國際體系結構的改變,對前蘇聯的中東歐附庸國家外交政策影響甚鉅;當時為了圍堵共黨勢力成立的北大西洋公約組織勢必面臨存廢問題,在一番辯論下,美國因不願放棄北約在歐洲安全及政經事務的主導權,帶領北約步向轉型與擴張。   此舉造成俄羅斯反彈,由於北約吸收會員國的範圍漸漸往中東歐國家深入,對俄羅斯而言,無疑影響其地緣戰略安全。2000至2008年適逢普京執政期間,此乃俄羅斯對外政策逐漸成熟、地緣戰略日臻明晰的階段,普京不同於葉爾欽的強勢領導風格,不僅為他贏得多數民心,亦在國家安全對外政策中占有強大影響力。以美國為首的北約組織意識到俄羅斯的大國勢力不容小覷,雙方雖多次在國際事務的參與中進行角力,但普京以退為進,藉由911事件與美方關係升溫的策略,成功進行與美國的反恐合作;2002年「北約-俄羅斯理事會」成立,北約與俄羅斯關係進入一個新階段,然而俄羅斯當局不久便意識到雖然在這個平台下擁有平等發言權,針對部分俄美爭議性議題仍不容置喙,「北約-俄羅斯理事會」對促進兩方合作與理解的功能有名無實。2003至2004年美國積極推動格魯吉亞與烏克蘭加入北約,並介入兩國大選促成顏色革命,造成俄美關係僵持不下;其後俄格衝突不斷,北約擴大的腳步亦持續進行,俄羅斯最終在2007年慕尼黑會議中嚴詞批判美國對北約的強力主導,俄美情勢陷入自冷戰後新低。   普京為了抗衡北約的進逼,亦加重擴展亞太政策,其中俄羅斯與中國結盟,試圖聯中制美所可能形成的對抗情勢更非各界所樂見。本文擬透過歷史脈絡與文獻,分析俄羅斯與北約之間的爭執焦點,探討普京帶領下基於國家利益所作的決策與行為,以及研究雙方的妥協過程與俄羅斯逐步調整對北約擴張態勢的策略。


The collapse of the Soviet communist regime, not only the end of the Cold War US-Soviet confrontation, has resulted in the European geopolitical major reshuffle. Changes in the structure of the international system, on the former Soviet Union, Central and Eastern European client an enormous impact on the country's foreign policy; In order to contain the communist forces established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is facing should be abolished, in some debate, the United States unwilling to abandon NATO in European security and political and economic affairs initiative, led moving towards NATO transformation and expansion.   This caused the Russian reaction, because the scope of NATO Member States gradually absorbed into Central and Eastern Europe in-depth, on Russia, will undoubtedly affect its geo-strategic security. From 2000 to 2008 coincides with the Russian President Vladimir Putin, during this time, Russia's foreign policy is becoming more and more mature and clear geostrategic stage. United States-led NATO forces aware of Russia's great power should not be underestimated, although the two sides on many occasions to participate in international affairs carried out in wrestling, but Putin has made concessions in order, by warming relations with the United States 911 events strategy, success for anti-terrorism cooperation with the United States; 2002, "NATO - Russia Council" was established between NATO and Russia relations have entered a new phase, but soon realized that although the Russian authorities in this platform to have an equal voice, still part of Russia and the United States can not participate in the decision controversial issues, "NATO - Russia Council," the two sides to promote cooperation and understanding of the function of nominal. 2003 to 2004 the United States to actively promote Georgia and Ukraine into NATO, the United States intervene in the election between the two countries contributed to the color revolutions, resulting in stalemate over the Russian-US relations; Russian-Georgian conflict was continued, the pace of NATO enlargement is also ongoing, Russia President Vladimir Putin finally in Germany on the Munich Conference in 2007, sharp criticism of the United States-led NATO force, Russia and the United States into the situation after the Cold War low.   Putin's press on to counter NATO, but also increase the expansion of the Asia-Pacific policy, which Russia and China alliance, tried together in the United States will confront the situation by the possible formation of more non-public like to see. This paper documents through the historical context and analyze the dispute between Russia and NATO, the focus under the leadership of Vladimir Putin's decision-making based on national interests and behavior, and study the process of mutual compromise and gradual adjustment of the Russian state's policy on NATO expansion.


郭武平(2002) ,〈俄國政治發展轉型之研究〉,《俄羅斯學報》,創刊號,頁117-146。
