  • 學位論文


The study of parents' involvements of knowledge and attitude in Taipei County middle school education.

指導教授 : 蓋浙生


本研究係透過問卷調查法來探討台北縣國民中學家長對參與學校事務認知及態度,旨在了解台北縣國民中學家長對參與學校事務之現況、所面臨問題,以及解決之道。 所得資料使用平均數與標準差、百分比與次數分配、t-考驗、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析及相關分析與多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。茲歸納本研究的主要結論如下: 本研究問卷經因素分析結果,所有題目的因素負荷量皆符合大於.5以上,資料共縮減為6個因素,分別命名為「學校行政」、「學生管理」、「經費運用」、「人事安排」、「積極態度」與「消極態度」。研究結果顯示:台北縣國民中學家長對參與學校事務有一定程度上的認知,會因年齡、擔任家長組織職務、子女就讀學校規模的不同而有所差異;對參與學校事務具有中高程度的認同,會因家長擔任組織職務的不同而有所差異;參與學校事務的角色與看法有一致的認知,會因性別、年齡、教育程度、擔任不同家長組織職務、行業、子女就讀不同學校規模的不同而造成某些程度上看法的不同。最後,台北縣國民中學家長對參與學校事務認知及態度之間的關係為顯著正相關,且認知的高低會正向影響家長參與學校事務的積極態度。 根據上述結論,提出以下建議供有關單位及人員參考: A、對教育行政機關的建議 1、均衡教育經費,協助弱勢及文化不利學校。 2、制定明確的家長參與教育事務法令,確保各階層家長應盡職能。 3、表揚及肯定家長付出,並重視家長成長。 B、對學校教育人員的建議 1、主動邀約聯繫,提升家長積極參與學校。 2、提供便利參與機制,提升家長班級與學校參與。 3、拓展性別教育,協助家長參與無性別障礙。 4、幫助弱勢家庭,提升親職知能及參與行動。 5、規劃與學生管理有關親職課程,因應各學習階段的家長需求。 6、提供便民措施,激勵家長參與。 C、對教師班級經營的建議 1、常與家長聯繫,培養對話的方式。 2、建立暢通溝通管道。 3、培養進班自信能力。 4、協助家長達成與孩子相關的任務及活動。 D、對後續研究者的建議 1、研究對象。 2、研究方法。


家長參與 學校事務 認知 態度


This study utilizes surveying to investigate the parents' involvements of knowledge and attitude in Taipei County middle school education. The purpose is to understand the recent parents’ involvements, problems behind, and possible solutions. The data are obtained and analyzed by the following statistic methods, including mean & standard deviation、percentage & frequency distribution、t-test、chi-square test、analysis of variance and correlation & multiple regression. Based on the surveys, conclusions of the research are provided shown in the following. After analyzing the surveys, the load of all the questions are greater than 0.5. The information is categorized into 6 groups. They are named as School Administration, Student Management, Budget Control, Human Resource Arrangement, Enthusiastic Attitude, and Passive Attitude. The research shows: the parents of Taipei County middle school have certain knowledge about the involvements in school. The level of parents’ involvements depends on age, leadership roles taken in school, different middle school children attending. Parents whose knowledge of school involvements are higher than the average depend on whether or not they take any leadership position in parental organizations in school. They tend to share similar opinions about school business, but with small variations depending on gender, age, educational level, leadership positions taken in parental organizations, profession, and different schools children attend. Lately, parents' knowledge of involvement in Taipei County middle school education shows a positive regression line with their attitude. The level of perception also affects positively parents’ enthusiasm toward school involvements. According to the conclusion above, a proposal of recommendations is provided for those who work in relating careers. A、Recommendations for Educational Administrative Organizations. 1、To Balance Educational Budget. To Assist Schools with Disadvantage. 2、To Establish Definite Laws for Parental Involvement in Educational Matters in order to Make Sure Parents Meet Their Duties. 3、To Praise and Appreciate Parents’ Devotion and to Value Parental Growth. B、Recommendations for Educational Faculties. 1、To Communicate Actively in order to Promote Parents’Attitude Toward School’s Involvement. 2、To Provide Convenient Involvement System in order to Promote Parents’ Participation in Schools. 3、To Develop Gender Education and to Promote Parents’ Involvement in Gender Equality. 4、To Help Families with Disadvantages in order to Promote Their Involvements. 5、To Provide Classes on Students’ Management to Meet Parents’ Needs from Various Backgrounds. 6、To Provide Convenient Policies to Encourage Parental Participation. C、Recommendations for Teachers’ Management in Classrooms. 1、To Stay in Contact with Parents for Positive Communication. 2、To Establish an Excellent Communication. 3、To Build Confidence. 4、To Help Parents and Children to Achieve their Missions and Activities. D、Recommendations for Future Researchers. 1、Research Targets. 2、Research Methods.


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