  • 學位論文


The influence of customer satisfaction and professional commitment of counselors in universities on job satisfaction

指導教授 : 張家宜


大環境在少子化的因素之下,未來在大學校院的經營也越加的困難。經年累月下,當大學生面臨課業壓力與情感等方面的難題時,常會透過學校的諮輔單位尋求幫助。而諮輔單位設立於學校內,也會處理部分行政事務。當諮輔單位面臨到專業需求以及學校對其他非相關專業事務的要求時,就面臨了抉擇。因此,本研究的目的為探討大學校院的諮輔人員顧客滿意導向對專業承諾,與工作滿意相關分析。 本研究中,抽取樣本為台灣北部的大學校院,包含宜蘭縣、新北市、台北市、桃園縣及新竹縣市,合計六個縣市。經過五位專家之專家效度問卷調整,再進行施測,最後產生三個變項量表。發出樣本數合計318份,回收164份。問卷回收率為51.6%,有效樣本合計140份,有效樣本回收率為85.37%。本研究為量化研究,使用複迴歸分析(Multiple Regression Analysis)、t檢定(t test)、敘述性統計(Descriptive Statistics)、信度分析、效度分析以及變異數分析(ANOVA)與因素分析將蒐集資料轉換為有效資訊。 透過研究得到以下結論:(一)諮輔人員的顧客滿意導向與專業承諾具有顯著的關係。在顧客滿意導向與專業承諾的直構面相關驗證上大部份的假設都成立,只有諮輔人員在顧客優先的概念上,認知與專業承諾並不顯著。(二)諮輔人員的顧客滿意導向對其工作滿意有正向的影響。在這驗證上提供資訊對工作環境滿意與同事關係滿意有正向影響,主動協助對勞動條件亦有正向影響。(三)諮輔人員之專業承諾對其工作滿意有顯著的正向影響。職務認同程度對工作滿意、工作環境滿意、自我成長滿意與勞動條件滿意上皆具有正向的影響。透過結論,希望對於行政教育當局以及大學校院在經營諮輔人員的要求上能夠有一個方向與準則。


The low fertility (the declining of birthrate) has been brought the difficulties of managing in university and institute of Taiwan in the future. When students confront with the stress of study and emotional difficulties, they usually get help from the counseling unit in university. The Counseling unit is only in university and college and processes part of the administrative affairs. When the counseling unit faces the professional requirement and the other professional requirement, it will encounter choices. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to explore the analysis of the orientation of customer satisfaction of counselors to the professional commitment, the job satisfaction. This study has taken the sample of the universities in Northern Taiwan included Ilan county, New Taipei city, Taipei city, Taoyuan county and Hsinchu city and county. After the adjustment of the five experts’ survey, then test facilities, at last resulted three kinds of questionnaire. There are 164 samples recovered in 318 samples. Response rate was 51.6%, and total valid sample was 140, the effective sample rate was 85.37%. This study is quantitative research and using Multiple Regression Analysis, t test, Descriptive Statistics, reliability analysis, validity analysis and the analysis of variance (ANOVA), and factor analysis will be collected data into effective information. This research has got the following conclusion. 1. There is a significant relationship between counselors’ customer satisfaction oriented and professional commitments. Most of the assumptions of customer satisfaction oriented and professional commitments are true, there is only the cognitive and professional commitments are not significant in the concept of customer priority. 2. The customer satisfaction oriented of counselors has the positive influence to the job satisfaction. This verification provides information about the positive influence of the satisfaction of work environment and the satisfaction of colleagues’ relationship. And the initiative of assist in labor terms also has a positive impact. 3. The professional commitment of counselors has the significant impact on the job satisfaction. The level of job identification also affects the satisfaction of job, working environment, the growth of self and labor terms positively. With this conclusion, hoping that the education administration and university can have the direction and principle on the demands of counselors.


