  • 學位論文


A Study on the User Resistance of Information Systems Implementation in Public Sector

指導教授 : 吳錦波


根據以往的研究,使用者抗拒是系統導入失敗重要的因素之一,企業導入資訊科技的成功機率低於50%,因此使用者抗拒(User Resistance)已經被視為是企業中建置資訊系統的重大挑戰。而放眼公部門,在資訊科技的發展之下,各國政府投注相當的資源與人力在電子化政府之專案,其中亦包含公部門的新資訊系統導入。然而公部門在電子化政府專案導入的部份失敗率亦高,因為公部門也有可能在導入的過程中遭遇到使用者抗拒行為。在資訊管理領域,對新的科技(資訊系統)導入後使用者抗拒方面的研究,多以私部門為主,較少針對公部門評估與研究。本研究係針對公部門進行問卷發放,主要目的在於研究公部門科技使用的抗拒行為。本研究為實證型研究,以問卷調查法為研究方法,針對使用A單位工務報修系統的跨部門公務員使用者進行問卷發放;總發放問卷為82份、回收有效問卷為63份,並使用SPSS統計軟體進行迴歸分析。研究結果可發現:轉換成本對於使用者抗拒有顯著的正向影響;組織對於改變的支持、同僚贊同的意見等構面對於使用者抗拒有顯著的負向影響;同僚贊同的意見亦可藉由轉換成本間接影響使用者抗拒(轉換成本為部份中介);知覺價值、改變的自我效能則對使用者抗拒的影響不明顯;轉換獲益雖可對知覺價值產生影響,知覺價值卻對使用者抗拒的影響不顯著。


使用者抗拒 公部門 政府


According to previous research, user resistance is one of the major factors that cause the failure of information systems implementation. Enterprises face a higher than fifty percentage of failure with new information systems implementation. Thus, user resistance has become a challenge for enterprises. In order to enhance the administrative efficiency, institutions in the public sectors have invested lots of resources in building E-government, which entails new systems implementation. As in private sector, implementing new systems in public sectors also results in systems failure, because there may encounter resistance during implementation. In the field of information systems, most user resistance research focus on private organizations, but few in public sectors. This research empirically study the user resistance of information systems in public sectors, by sending questionnaire to 82 public officials across different government units, who are using the same information system, and 63 valid responses collected. Data analysis employed is regression analysis. This research shows that switching costs has a positive impact on user resistance; but it shows that both organizational support for change and favorable colleague opinion have negative impacts on user resistance. This research also shows that favorable colleague opinion has indirectly influence through switching costs on user resistance (switching costs as a mediator). Perceived value and self-efficacy for change have no impacts on user resistance. While switching benefits has a positive impact on perceived value, perceived has no significant influence on user resistance.


User Resistance Public Sectors


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