  • 學位論文


The content analysis of the junior school textbooks about multicultural education in social science field

指導教授 : 宋玫玫


多元文化教育所追求的目標,是要營造一個機會均等的教育環境,讓不同族群、性別、階級、文化背景的學生,都能適性發展,有效學習。隨著台灣社會政治、經濟開放及社會的多元化,多元文化教育在近年來逐漸受到重視。自2001年開始實施的國民教育九年一貫課程,也在綱要中也提及多元文化教育的重要性。九年一貫課程在台灣的教改過程中,是一項重大的革新,除了對課程規範的鬆綁外,教科書也全面開放民間出版,而呈現百家爭鳴的景況。本研究根據多元文化教育的相關理論,針對三個版本社會領域一至六冊的教科書,利用「社會科多元文化教育概念類目表」進行多元文化內容之量化分析;並透過對教科書內容文字與圖片的質化分析,檢視其中的偏差與缺失;最後獲致結論,並提出建議。 本研究發現,三個版本的教科書,在多元文化內容的數量方面都有一定的水準,但各自有所偏重與不足之處。在文字與圖片內容方面,也有多處表現出族群中心主義、歧視及隱含主流社會意識型態。根據結論本研究針對未來教科書在多元文化教育內涵編寫的改進方向上,提出以下建議,俾供未來教科書編寫之參考: 一、對多元文化教育概念融入在社會科課程方面應考量多元文化教育概念分布的均衡性二、教師利用社會科教科書教學時應強調批判思考及獨立能力的應用 三、對出版社共同的建議 (一)各版本應先建立多元文化教育的內容架構,再編修教材。 (二)各版本教材中「族群」的內容應增多。


The aim of multicultural education is to build an educational environment with equal opportunities for different groups, genders, classes, and cultural backgrounds so that those students could develop and learn well based on their potential. With the diversity in society, politics, and economy in Taiwan, multicultural education has got people’s attention for these years. The importance of multicultural education was also emphasized in the abstract of the mandated education for grade 1-9 curriculum, implemented from 2001. In the process of Taiwan’s education reform, the mandated education for grade 1-9 curriculum is a vital renovation, which loosed the norms of curriculum and removed the limitations of textbooks for private publishers, resulting in the extreme competitive textbook market. According to the relevant theses of multicultural education, this study adopted quantitative method to analyze the multicultural contents in the vol.1-vol.6 of the three publishers with the category table of multicultural education concepts in social subjects. Besides, the qualitative analysis of the words and pictures was used to examine the biases and disadvantages in the textbooks. Last, the suggestions were proposed based on the research conclusion. This study found that although these three versions’ textbooks were qualified in the quantity of multicultural education, there were still some biases and defects in each version. For the words and pictures in the textbook, there were still ethnocentrism, discrimination, and the main social ideology in some parts. Based on the research results, some suggestions about the multicultural contents in the textbooks are listed as below, which could be reference for future textbooks: I. Designing the multicultural contents to cater to social needs II. Teachers should place more emphasis on the application of criticizing and thinking independently when they are teaching. III. The suggestions for publishers




