  • 學位論文


A Study of Facebook Usage, Users' Pleasure on Loyalty

指導教授 : 卓美玲


Facebook曾因為小遊戲的話題,讓台灣的使用者瘋狂加入會員,隨著Facebook使用越趨普及,人們在社群的使用與溝通行為也不斷轉換、變形,使用者透過社群網站的溝通行為達到哪種類型的愉悅?程度如何?有人認為網路時代無忠誠可言,因此網路社群的鎖定效果如何?使用愉悅是否會增加使用忠誠? 本研究援引自使用者愉悅的相關理論,探討使用者藉由社群介面的使用達到的互動溝通行為,讓使用者感知到哪些愉悅?而使用行為與愉悅性對於社群網站忠誠度又有哪些影響?本研究使用問卷調查法,從Facebook的基本人口特性、基本使用習慣、Facebook介面使用與替代性、使用者愉悅對忠誠度的影響,以找出影響使用者持續使用的關鍵,以及可能造成使用者轉換意圖的原因。 本研究發現:1.介面功能的使用以及愉悅性,對持續使用的忠誠有影響。2未來若有新的社群網站提供更好的服務時,使用者還是會想嘗試看看。3.越常在網路上活動的使用者,未來轉換至其他社交網站的可能性越高。4.越常使用Facebook雖會產生更多愉悅性,但愉悅無法預測轉換行為,就算在Facebook中的互動是以人為主,但過度的商業行為仍然會導致使用者反感。5.使用者透過行動裝置可隨時上網,關心、監看朋友的狀況以及得到訊息接收的快感,顯示了這一類型的使用者更願意付費讓使用更快速、完整。6.當使用者對網站內的資料保護不擔憂,則使用忠誠度越高、越不容易因過多商業內容而轉換,其小額付費的意願也會增加,因此作好隱私的保護將是留住使用者很重要的因素。7.在Facebook中,功能的使用與替代性最可有效預測忠誠度與轉換,因此介面設計與功能是吸引與留住使用者最重要的因素。


While Facebook becomes a universal phenomenon around the world, Taiwanese users also eager to embrace and become one of Facebook members. Interfaces of social networks keep changing and updating in the way how people use them to communicate. How do users feel different kind of pleasure through communication in social networks, and what is the extent? One theory is that there’s no loyalty in the internet age, therefore how is the lock-in effect in social networks? Does pleasure cause people more loyal to social networks? Following the theory of users’ pleasure, the study tries to discover what kind of enjoyment that Facebook members perceive in their interactive communication through different functional usage. And how do functional usage and pleasure further affect users’ loyalty toward Facebook? The study conducts a web-based Survey, to find the affection to loyalty from basic user’s characteristics, habits of Facebook use, replacement of other services and user pleasure,trying to find the key that causes persistent use and users’ intension to transfer to other services. The research finds that: 1.Funtional usage and user pleasure only affect persistent use of loyalty. 2.When there’s a new social network site providing a better service, users have high intention to try the new site. 3.The more active internet users are, the more possible the future transfer is. 4. More functional usage cause more user pleasure, but the results also show that users intention to switch will be more strong when users perceive excessive commercial activity in the site. 5. People who use the mobile devices could easily know what their friends doing and where they are through Facebook, they feel higher pleasure to show consideration for friends and also get the enjoyment of sending and receiving messages . The pleasures make those users more willing to pay money when there’s some new function served. 6. Users who do not worry about privacy disclosure are more likely to use Facebook. They will not easily transfer to another site because of too much commercial information in Facebook, and they are more willing to pay for other functions. Privacy protection, therefore, may be an important key to keep users. 7.The research finds that in Facebook, functional usage and replacement can effectually predict the users’ loyalty and intention of transference. Therefore, the interface design and better service will be an important factor to attract and keep users.


Facebook Users’ Pleasure Loyalty


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