  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Military Higher Education Institutions' Presidential Communication Behavior and Institutional Effectiveness

指導教授 : 鈕方頤


本研究旨在探討國軍校院校長行政溝通行為與學校效能之關係,以供教育行政機關及各級主官(管)辦學之參考。 本研究採半結構式訪談及問卷調查方式併行,邀請國軍校院專家7員,進行訪談,並計發出633份問卷,回收633份,有效問卷633份,有效回收率達100%。資料處理以t考驗、單因子變異數、皮爾遜積差及多元迴歸方式併行,分析國軍校院校長行政溝通行為對學校效能之關係,研究結果發現: 一、國軍校院教師於不同性別、服務年資及職務上,在校長行政溝通行為策略知覺大致趨於正向,其中投入情感、傳遞訊息、促進發展及支持鼓勵,因背景不同有不同知覺程度。 二、國軍校院教師於不同性別、服務年資及職務上,在學校效能知覺均有 顯著差異,其中提升行政效率、學校組織氣氛、溝通管道暢通、教師教學品質及學生學習表現,因背景不同而有不同知覺程度。 三、國軍校院校長行政溝通行為與學校效能有顯著相關性。 四、國軍校院校長行政溝通行為能有效預測學校效能。 依據本研究之結果與結論,謹提出以下幾點建議,供軍事教育主管機關、國軍校院校長及後續研究者參考。 一、對軍事教育主管機關之建議:(一)校長派任作業及職前訓練;(二)持續辦理校長專業研習活動;(三)校長考核應朝多面向評鑑。 二、對國軍校院校長之建議:(一)培養積極正向的行政溝通能力,促進學校效能提升;(二)經常自我檢視並廣納建言,提升行政效率。 三、對未來研究之建議:(一)研究方法上可採用長期觀察研究方法,更深入探討校長溝通風格;(二)研究對象上以多面向探討校長之行政溝通行為與學校效能,比較相互間之差異性與相關性,使研究更臻周延。


This study aims to discuss the relationship between military higher education institution presidents’ administrative communication behavior and institutional effectiveness. Interviews were conducted with 7 personnel in the military higher education institutions. Questionnaires were distributed to 633 personnel in the military higher education institutions, 633 valid responses were received, with a valid response rate of 100%. Methods such as t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment and multiple regression analysis were used. Research findings are as follows: 1.On the basis of gender, years of active service and positions, the faculty members of military higher education institutions are mostly positively aware of the superintendent’s administrative communication action and strategies. Concerning the awareness of emotional input, message conveying, development fostering as well as support and encouragement, there is a difference in awareness based on the account of background differences. 2.On the basis of gender, years of active service and responsibilities, the instructors of military schools display a significant degree of differences in awareness of institutional effectiveness. Concerning the enhancement of administrative efficiency, organizational atmosphere, the degree of obstruction in communication channels, quality of instruction and student performance, there is a difference in awareness based on the account of background differences. 3.There is correlation between administrative communication behavior and institutional effectiveness. 4.The administrative communication behavior of military higher education institution presidents is an effective tool in predicting institutional effectiveness. This study provides the following suggestions for military educational authorities, military education institution presidents, and future researchers. 1.Suggestions to military educational authorities: a) pre-service training for presidents; b) workshops for presidents; and c) multifaceted evaluation for presidents. 2.Suggestions to presidents of military higher education institutions: a) continual improvement of administrative communication ability; and b) periodic self-evaluation and be open to suggestions to improve administrative efficiency. 3.Suggestions to future research: a) long-term and in-depth examination of presidential administration communication behavior; and b) explore perceptions of personnel other than faculty members.




