  • 學位論文


The Implementation of Multiple Intelligence Theory in a Modified EFL Extensive Reading Program

指導教授 : 胡映雪


知識能力發展對於個體以及國家的進步扮演著關鍵性的角色。此能力的發展和個人閱讀寫作能力以及解決問題的能力息息相關。過去幾年,台灣政府早已意識到提升台灣人民英文以及中文知識能力的重要性以及優勢。在推廣英語學習時,許多教育家以及決策者皆相信英語推廣可以促進台灣在全球中成功發展。然而,在傳統教學法下的機械式以及填鴨式的翻譯學習提升學生的知識能力以及世界觀的成效不盡理想。   本研究設計了一套適合大學的閱讀課程。此課程的設計是著重在以多元智慧理論 (Multiple Intelligence Theory)的架構活動融入下的廣泛閱讀課程 (Extensive Reading)。和過去傳統的廣泛閱讀不同的是,學生不再自己去選擇讀物,而是老師從一套世界知名的青少年改編讀物去挑選適合學生的教材。並且研發出一系列搭配閱讀文本的輔助活動。這些輔助活動透過多元智慧理論以及主題性設計,能夠連接學生的先備知識,並且進一步的開啟新的世界觀以及文化知識。適性發展的多元智慧活動亦可降低學生在學習時的焦慮以及察覺不同身體知能。基於這些優點,多元智慧可與廣泛閱讀結合,促進閱讀的樂趣以及意義。   本研究採用量化及質化的研究方法,評估多元智慧融入導向之閱讀活動是否能夠將廣泛閱讀的成效提升。兩組共計36人 (各18人)為本實驗研究對象,分為控制組以及實驗組,分別都以紙本閱讀書籍以及閱讀活動進行實驗。控制組的活動是一般廣泛閱讀活動 (包含閱讀前,中,後活動)。實驗組的活動結合了多元智慧以及一般廣泛閱讀活動。 實驗選用3本中級程度的青少年讀物,分別是:Rabbit-proof Fence, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 以及 The Call of the wild。這三本書皆傳達了文化價值,種族關係,個人內省智慧,還有對自然生態的關懷。   實驗結果顯示,實驗組在參與多元智慧導向的活動之後,各方面有較優異的表現。雖然在閱讀測驗,控制組以及實驗組的進步沒有顯著性差異,但寫作測驗的成績顯示,實驗組的表現勝過於控制組。另外,在課程參與度以及作業繳交率方面,實驗組也表現出較高的學習動力。多元智慧認知問卷也顯示實驗組學生對於多元智慧的認知有大方面的提升。最後,透過學生周誌的分析,結果顯示,參與多元智慧的學生能夠用更多元的角度以及世界觀去表達自我的想法。   研究結果建議,透過更多元的智慧活動設計,學生都能夠從課程中受惠。比起傳統型的翻譯以及填鴨式教學,多元智慧活動能夠給予學生更多面向的輔助,並且提升學生對於閱讀教學的動力以及信心。


Literacy development has been a crucial role to individual advancement and national growth. It is highly related to reading, writing and problem solving competence. In the past years, the government of Taiwan has been recognizing the importance of promoting the literacy of Chinese and English. Especially with the promotion of English learning, numerous educators and policy makers believe that students equipped with better English competence not only possess the better global vision and pluralistic thinking. However, with traditional teaching approach, such as grammar translation and rote learning, the goals mentioned above are difficult to achieve. In light of this, extensive reading approach (ER), as an alternative approach was proposed to complement the insufficiency of intensive reading. A modified model of extensive reading program was designed and arranged for the current study. In this modified extensive reading program, researcher was allowed to select a handful of books and increase the use of guided reading activities, which aimed to connect learners’ prior knowledge with stories, expand their pluralistic thinking, facilitate story comprehension, and develop world and cultural awareness. To further ensure the higher motivation and involvement of learners, the graded readers were chosen from the series for teenagers and young adults, from age 14 to 20. In order to expand learners’ pluralistic thinking, inter-cultural sensitivity, and global vision, a series of guided extensive activities were designed based on the concept of Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory. The main study was conducted in the fall semester, 2011. Two groups of first year college students (18 in each) with the control group receiving regular ER activities, while the experimental group receiving ER and MI combined activities. Books chosen for the study are level 3 Rabbit-Proof Fence, The Story of Doran Gray, and the Call of the Wild that address cultural values, racism, intrapersonal intelligence, and human’s connection to animal and nature. The overall results demonstrate a positive reinforcement by the MI based activities. The results suggest that subjects of the experimental group all improved significantly than the control group in different aspects. Although the improvement of reading comprehension between two groups was not significant, the results of writing performance demonstrate that the experimental group outperformed significantly than the control group. Furthermore, the submission rates of journals, summaries, and participation in the discussion board all indicate that the experimental group was much more motivated than the control group during the experiment. The results of multiple intelligences questionnaire further show that after participating in the MI based reading program, the perceptions of logical, verbal-linguistic, visual-spatial, and interpersonal intelligence were significantly increased. Finally, the analysis of weekly journals illustrates that the experimental group was more able to express their reflections with pluralistic thinking and world view. These findings suggest that through the implementation of MI based reading activities, students could progress their English learning, enhance their reading motivation, improve their writing competence, and elaborate creative and pluralistic thinking.


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