  • 學位論文


Chinese Air Force Modernization - The F-10 machines, for example

指導教授 : 曾復生


中共軍事戰略發展與其軍事思維的演進有著密不可分的關係,概可大致分為:毛澤東的「人民戰爭」時期、鄧小平的「現代化條件下的人民戰爭」時期、波灣戰後江澤民的「高技術條件下的局部戰爭」時期以及胡錦濤「國防和軍隊現代化的跨越式發展」時期。 中共受到二次波灣戰爭的影響與啟發,全面積極進行軍事事務變革,並形成「遠戰速勝、首戰決勝」戰略指導,強調「科技強軍」、「科技興訓」建軍政策,加強質量建軍,努力完成自動化和資訊化的雙重建設,以期達成「打贏資訊化局部戰爭」的戰略目標。 殲10戰機為中共國務院及中央軍委會於1986年1月批准建案代號為「10號工程」,由成都飛機設計研究所負責研製,期完全掌握如航電、複材、匿蹤、發動機、射控雷達、飛控軟體、鴨式氣動構型、線傳飛操及全機系統整合技術等第四代戰機的關鍵技術。 中共空軍軍力現代化建設方向,包括武器裝備、人員素質與組織編制等三個層面,本文期藉由中共殲10戰機研製過程作為研究內容,比較各時期的戰略思想、戰機研發過程、能力分析、兵力部署、效益評估以及其對中共空軍戰略影響與未來發展等面向做深入之研究,期能對我軍未來建軍備戰提出參考。 本研究總結,中共空軍為因應「空天戰場」為未來發展重點,將朝向「空天一體、攻防兼備」的戰略轉變及加速深化「人才戰略工程」的實現與强化多機種聯合後勤綜合保障能力,以培養複合型指揮、參謀、科技的「跨世紀指揮官」人才與加速空軍後勤發展,另待發動機研製技術能量與質量突破後,戰機性能將可縮短與西方先進國家差距,且由於殲10戰機價格僅約為F-16型戰機的一半,將可大幅提升該型戰機在國際軍火銷售市場的競爭力。


China's military strategy development has close relation with its military philosophy and could be divided into below periods:Mao Ze Dong's”People's War”, Deng Xiao Ping's“People's War under Modem Conditions”, post-Gulf-War Jiang Ze Ming's“Partial War under High-Tech Conditions”and Hu JinTao's“Trans-Development of National Defense and Army Modernization”. Due to the influence and inspiration of Second Gulf War, China has begun its revolution of military affairs. Based on the“Long Distance, Fast Victory”and “First Strike and Victory Determination”strategic instructions,it focuses on “High-Tech Powerful Army”and“High-Tech Training”to build up high quality military force and accomplish automatic and technical establishment,so that it can achieve the strategic target of winning technical partial war. F-10 combat aircraft is under permission and named of“Number 10 Project”by General Office of the State Council of PRC and Central Military Commission in January,1986. The Aircraft Design and Research Institute of Chengdu is responsible for the proJect and tried to obtain the skills on avionics system,composite material,stealth,aircraft engine,gun-fire control radar,aviation control software, canard configuration,fly by wire,and the whole aircraft technology system integration of the fourth generation jet fighters. PLA Air Force development of modernization aims at weapon equipment,human quality and organization arrangement. The thesis takes the research and development progress of F-10 combat aircraft to compare different military strategic philosophy,capability analysis,command distribution,effectiveness evaluation and its influence and future development to PLA air force strategy. At the same time,it provides a reference model for our military establishment. The research concludes that PLA Air Force has changed the military strategy to “integrity of space and sky,combination of attack and defense”because of the future development of“space-sky-battle-field”.And China enforces its practice of human quality strategic project and capability of multi-type of aircraft integrity logistics support system so that it can train the new generation to be“trans-century commander:combination of commander,staff and technician”and fasten the logistics development of PLA Air Force. After the innovation skill of quality and quantity for aircraft engine has further progress,the quality of Chinese jet fighters can not only shorten the distance of combat aircraft made by western countries but also elevate the competitive advantage in intemational arms sales as the price of F-10 is only half of F-16.




