  • 學位論文


The Study of the Impact of Cross-strait Direct Transportation on the Civil Defense Enforced by Police Authority

指導教授 : 潘錫堂


20008年馬英九先生當選總統,馬政府立即提出「正視現實,開創未來,擱置爭議,追求雙贏」,以作為兩岸關係政策之導向,展開與過去政府完全不同的兩岸政策,重啟兩岸海基、海協兩會的協商,積 極推展兩岸經貿往來與文化交流的全面正常化,至20009年4月底,兩會舉行三次會談,簽署九項協議,隨著協議的施行,兩岸正式三通,兩岸直航進入一個嶄新的里程。 本論文首先檢閱台灣及大陸相關直航政策文獻議題之探討,並回顧兩岸直航政策起源與發展過程,並分析兩岸直航現況與展望。此外,兩岸直航對台灣國家安全、政治安全、經濟安全、社會安全、治安工作,以及對警察機關執行民防防情工作影響,亦分別探討,以對兩岸直航後對台灣影響之議題做全面性瞭解。 在研究過程中,我們可以知道民防防情工作在今日仍有其重要性,但目前在政府組織體系中,並未受到重視,希望本研究所提出檢討與評析,在警察機關民防防情組織面對政府組織改造及精簡之政策下,期望能提升警察執行防情工作效率,並提供社會大眾生命、財產更多、更安全的保障。 最後,一個組織的發展,不可能單靠一人或少數人可以促成;國內有關民防防空情報工作的研究尚待加強,期待更多的前輩與後進的共同投入,同時,也有賴於理論界和實務界能夠破除蕃籬,通力合作。


In 2008, when Mr.Ma was elected as the president of ROC,the government immediately put forwad this slogan: 「Facing the reality, Creating the future,Setting aside the dispute,Pursuing win-win situation」as the guiding policy ,developing a totally different cross-strait relations policy from before,restarting the negotiation between SEFand ARTS,actively promoting cross-strai economic and business interaction,normalizing the cultural exchange.Untilthe end of April in 2009, SEF and ARTS held three meetings and signed nine agreements. With the implementationof these agreements, the both two sides formally began the Three Direct Links and then the cross-strait direct linkcame into a new mileage. Firstly, we review the related issues and documents of cross-strair direct link policy and look back the origin and development of cross-strait direct link policy,then analizing the current situation and the future prospects of cross-strait direct link.In addition, the impact of cross-strait direct link for national security,political security, economic security, social security, public security, as well as the enforcement of civil defense and intelligence workin police authority will be discussed each other to make a comprehensive understanding of this issue. During this study, we can know that civil defense and intelligence still plays a very important role today but was ignored in the bureaucratic system. Expectantly, the review and assessment of the related issue in this paper could enhance the efficiency of enforcement of civil defense and intelligence in police authority, and provide more security and protection for public life and property under the policy of governmental reform and streamlining. Finally, the development of an organization could hardly rely on the contribution of one person or a few people, and the domestic research of the intelligence work on civil defense and air defense is still waited to strengthened.Not only looking forward that more predecessors and juniors could join in the study of related issues,but also expecting that the theory and practice could integrate with each othe, working together.


