  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Using Picture Books to Teach Reading and Writing at the Second Grade

指導教授 : 宋佩芬


目前國小低年級學生所接觸的語文科學習教材,都以簡短的文章和簡短的句型作為閱讀與寫作的教學,顯得較為零碎、片段。研究者嘗試以繪本作為讀寫結合的教材,因為繪本具備完整的情節組織,同時內容常有優美的遣詞造句,除此之外,繪本最大的優勢是「圖像」也可帶領學生以看圖為主,口說為先,進而從說話、寫句子、片段文字到篇章作文,循序漸進,建構語言學習的階梯。 本行動研究以研究者為主要教學者,精心出挑選12本繪本設計二十堂的課程,以淡水地區單一班級26名國小二年級學生為研究對象實施繪本讀寫結合研究,過程中與專家教師進行協同教學,共進行兩階段的行動研究歷程。依據教學現場中發現的問題,秉持行動研究的精神,以「計畫、行動、觀察、反省、修正」的循環歷程,並根據教學省思、觀察日記以及隨堂錄音等檔案資料,探究教學歷程與發現,歸納出適合低年級學生的閱讀結合寫作教學策略。在教學過程以合適的提問作為引導,以文本的閱讀訓練學生發展初步完整故事基模的能力,並增進同儕間討論,啟發學生的思考與想像力,把想說的話以口述或書寫的方式表達,久之,兒童的語文能力相對能提升,此亦頗能符合九年一貫課程中所強調的統整精神,並培養學生「帶得走」的能力。 研究者根據課堂相關資料分析,歸納其研究結果:繪本扮演閱讀與寫作的中介橋樑,藉由教學策略達到讀寫結合的教學方式,可豐富學生寫作表現及增加學生口頭作文能力,最後行動研究提升個人教學效能和建構默會知識,促進教師專業成長。


Currently junior elementary school students are exposed to language learning materials with brief articles and short sentences for teaching reading and writing. Unfortunately, this approach seems to be rather fragmented. In this research, the researcher tries to use picture books for a variety of purposes. Picture books present a complete episode of combined imagery, beautiful words and sentences. The biggest advantage of picture books is that the imagery can lead students through a natural progression of language use, speaking first, and then asking questions, and writing sentences. The text of picture books tends to be organized into sections made up of smaller essays, which can be followed step by step, constructing a natural language learning ladder. In this action research project, the researcher also serves as the main instructor, but team teaching was part of the approach used. Based on a selection of 12 picture books a sequence of twenty lessons was carefully designed. A single class of 26 second-graders in the Tamsui area of New Taipei City served as the research participants. From the materials available in the classroom, appropriate lessons were developed to suit the second-graders. Two cycles of teaching, collecting teacher’s journals, feedback, observations, quizzes recording, other files and then adjusting the lesson design were completed in this research, in step with the spirit of the Action Research model ("plan, action, observation, reflection, correction"). Journals and recordings of the lessons were used for observation. A question-based approach was taken to entice student interest, and encourage students to use oral communication skills. This coincides well with the stated goals for second grade the Nine Year Curriculum of Taiwan. This approach also embraced the humanistic idea of presenting children with complete story episodes, rather than fragmented language texts, in hopes that it could stimulate the students’ creativity and critical thinking skills. From the documents of this Action Research project, the researcher found that picture books served as an intermediary between reading and writing skills, improving the students’ oral response and writing skills. This research also improved the researcher’s own teaching effectiveness and tacit knowledge base. This has been a great way to enhance this researcher’s professional ability.




