  • 學位論文


The Study of China's Response and Reaction to Non-Traditional Security Threat : In Case of Shanghai Cooperation Organization on Counter-Terrorism

指導教授 : 翁明賢


跨越二十一世紀以來全球災難頻傳,其原因包含各種自然與人為的複雜因素,傳統安全議題和架構已無法詮釋日新月異的安全問題。自冷戰結束後,「非傳統安全」議題(non-traditional security)在國際安全究領域廣泛討論,導因於非傳統安全威脅所造成的災害及傷亡往往不亞於一場戰爭,例如2008年中國四川汶川大地震,造成將近7萬人罹難,亦是中國近半世紀最嚴重的自然災害,也映證中國政府面對來自以軍事和外交衝突等「傳統安全」領域外的威脅遽增。 就中國而言,在積極提升其國力的同時,也面臨來自國內及全球的各種安全威脅挑戰;正值中國崛起,中國在國際上也開始學習如何扮演大國的角色,學習如何在面對國內、與周邊鄰國之間、東亞區域、及國際間如何綜合國家利益、國家安全等因素整體考量,確定國家所扮演的身分、地位,對國內、國外制訂國家安全政策。例如911事件發生後,「反恐」議題在國際間被廣泛討論,中、美關係也隨著美國於全球的反恐戰略佈局而產生變化,以中國打擊主要「反恐」對象-「東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭運動」分裂勢力在新疆為例,其反恐作為及背後的動機、利益,不僅並未侷限於中國國內單純的治安事件模式,甚而將該議題訴諸國際化。 隨著冷戰結束後,蘇聯解體後的中亞國家在美、中、俄強國的環伺下,亦面臨著過往共產主義價值觀與國家利益衝突的抉擇,以往劍拔弩張的中蘇邊界緊張問題,演變成中共與俄羅斯及哈薩克、塔吉克、吉爾吉斯等中亞國家的多邊問題。爰此,為促進多邊鄰接國家合作,在各方積極談判協商及區域安全合作發展下,整合中共、俄羅斯、哈薩克(Kazakhstan)、吉爾吉斯(Kyrgyzstan)、塔吉克(Tajikistan) 及烏茲別克(Uzbekistan)等六國的新區域安全體系「上海合作組織」(The Shanghai Five)在2001年6月應運而生。更陸續接受蒙古(Mongolia)、巴基斯坦(Pakistan)、印度(India)和伊朗(Iran)等國成為該組織觀察員國,大幅度將該組織合作範圍擴展到東北亞、南亞和西亞等,除了型塑嶄新的地緣政治外,使中國在上合組織的領導角色,也造成美國對中亞地區的重新檢視,並積極運用各種方式介入和突破,使得上合組織會員國所形成的區域安全力量引燃爭奪全球霸業的烽火。


In the first decade of 21st century, disasters occured around the world ,the traditional security framework and theories cannot interpret the cause of natural and human factors. By the end ofcold war,the “non-traditional security” academic issue discussed widespread, because the damages and casualties of conflict resulted by non-traditional security are more than the war. Such as the 2008 Sichuan earthquake occurred and caused more than seventy thousand dead, injured or missing, the effect of earthquake is more significantly than those dead in the wars during the last five decade.It means the damaged derived from non-traditional security pose intensive threat to China and the world. In the statue of “China Rising”, China not only learns to be a real actor in international politics, but tries to mandate and cooperate with neighboring countries .In case of non-traditional security threat, China’s reaction to internal separatism“The Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement“synchronizes with the West and global counter-terrorism.Additionally,China emphasizes the positive diplomat policies with United States and participate the multilateral organizations, like APEC, ASEAN and WTO so on. The aim of China is to win the international support for territory integration. In regarding of the potential conflict and intension of Central Asia burst in post-cold-war period, the China and neighboring countries such as Russia,Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,and Tajikistan recognized the importance of cooperation and responsibility to reduce the territorial threat. The creation of multilateral organization named “The Shanghai Five“ aims its goal to shape new concept of Geographical Politics , and China will play the leading role in the region.


10.趙哲一、陳楊正光,「新時期國家安全的焦點-非傳統安全的發展趨勢」,Journal of Crisis Management,Vol.6,No.2.,(2009年)。


