  • 學位論文

音樂展演空間的體驗行銷初探:以台北市之Live House為例

The Preliminary Experiential Marketing Research of Live House :The Case Study of Live House of Taipei City

指導教授 : 黃振家


近年來,文化創意產業此種軟實力在促進國家經濟成長上扮演著重要的角色,並且在世界貿易上創下驚人的獲利,其原因在於具有高附加價值的特性。 而本文所指涉之音樂藝文產業已行之有年,台灣音樂產業環境隨著當代風格社會的成形,非主流音樂的追隨與聆聽也不再如過往般弱勢及陰鬱之形象,而產業中聯繫樂團與樂迷的重要平台—Live House除早年於台北公館區域所群聚而成的商業聚落外,近年台灣各地相繼出現新興Live House,遍地開花的Live House無不發展出自身強烈特色以吸引樂迷前往消費,鑒於此,Live House間也漸從競合關係走向競爭態勢,而除了演出樂團成為選擇的主要因素外,Live House其所提供之空間氛圍差異變成了樂迷最直接之體驗。 是故,本研究選定以台北市之Live House作為本研究案例,聚焦於公館地區以及華山1914文化創意產業園區,並以學者B.Schmitt所提出體驗行銷之策略體驗模組(Strategic Experiential Modules, SEMs)以及Chang與Horng所提出之體驗品質中服務提供者面向進行樂迷Live House體驗分析。 研究結果發現,公館地區Live House在情感、思考、行動以及關聯體驗有較為豐富之體驗;而在華山1914文化創意產業園區中的Legacy Taipei傳音樂展演空間,於感官體驗以及服務提供者體驗上,獲得較為豐富之體驗,而在情感、思考、行動以及關聯體驗這些層面上,僅有部分受訪者提出體驗特點。


In recent years, the soft power of cultural and creative industries play an important role in promoting national economic growth, and got a lot of profit. The reason to this situation is that it comes along with the high value-added features. The music arts industry that we mention in this article has been followed for years. Taiwan music industry environment with contemporary the lifestyle society forming, non-mainstream music do not show the vulnerable and gloomy image anymore. In addition to the early years be established Live House in Taipei, parts of Taiwan in recent years have appeared the emerging Live House, and the blossom everywhere Live House are all developed their own strong characteristics to attract fans, in view of this, Live House also gradually from competing relationship toward the competitive situation, and in addition to the performances of the band became the main factor, the Live House they provide atmosphere of space have become the direct experience. Therefore, this study selected Live House of Taipei City as the research object, focus on the Gong Guan Area and Huashan1914 Creative Park and scholar B. Schmitt Experiential Marketing research base, supplemented by Strategic Experiential Modules (Strategic Experiential Marketing Modules, SEMs) and according to Chang and Horng's service providers of experience quality to operate the fans Live House experience analysis. The results showed that fans have abundant experience in the Live House of Gong Guan Area, mostly in the in the feel, think, act and relate dimensions. Legacy Taipei provides the great experience in the sensory and the service provider dimensions. However, in the feel, think, act and relate dimensions are weak, only part of the respondents put forward features.


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